Brian Tori
August 11th, 2008, 01:51 PM
I have downloaded the demo of Magic Bullet Frames for use with Premiere CS3 and HDV material. I have performed several tests so far and would like to compare my results with others who may have the same issue. My test footage is a 30 sec. 60i HDV clip. After applying the plugin to the footage there is a field order option which I've set to upper field to match the HDV material. Once rendered, the footage plays back as expected on a NTSC monitor. The apparent problem exists when encoding this clip to MPEG2 for use on a DVD. On the encoder options, there is a field setting option for upper or lower field. When set to lower field(as I've done in the past with success without Magic Bullet) the clip plays back incorrectly with image lag. I attributed this to the field setting so I then switched to upper field to maintain the HDV settings and plugin settings. The playback is noticeably better with no image lag, but, there appears to be a slight staccato look to the footage. Is this normal? Does it have more to do with the 1/60 shutter?