Dave Beaty
August 10th, 2008, 05:00 PM
I have a shoot coming up where I need to control a camera with a Fujinon broadcast lens. It will be mounted on a helicopter nose mount and I only need to control record start and stop via a 3 meter cable.
I imagine this should be simple. But it's not easy to find any info on how to achieve this. All the commercial controllers are hundreds of dollars and feature zoom servo control.
I really only need start and stop. Is this just a momentary contact between two pins on the connector?
Ben Ruffell
August 11th, 2008, 02:56 AM
Try the Libec remote. It's cheap and good.
You will need the ZC-9Pro with the extension cable, and possibly the 8 to 12 pic adaptor if needed.
I have had it for a while, and at any price, it does the job well.
Dave Beaty
August 11th, 2008, 07:02 AM
Agreed, having a professionally made adaptor is the way to go. But again, in some cases, having a remote record start stop button would be welcome. I found these Fujinon pin outs and I hope they help others:
1 RET switch
2 VTR trigger
4 Lens Auto/Manual control
5 Iris control
6 +12vdc
7 Iris position
8 Iris A/R input
9 Extender (doubler) position
10 Zoom position
11 ---
12 ---
L) B4 Lens connector
Hirose Part HR10A-10P-12P
1. Return switch
2. Record "VTR Start/Stop"
3. Ground
4. AT-MA
5. ID-CO
6. Regulated 12v
7. IP-B
8. AT-RE
10. Zoom position feedback
11. nc
12. nc
The Fujinon 12 pin connectors use the part Hirose HR10A-10P-12P, with a male end on the cable that attaches to the lens connector.
Jurgen Taghon
September 27th, 2008, 08:36 PM
would these pins be the same on the sony EX1?
Chris Hurd
September 27th, 2008, 09:08 PM
No -- these pins are NOT the same as the Sony EX1.
Joey Terwindt
November 9th, 2010, 03:48 PM
Hey There,
I've got a similair question.
Should I connect the pin 2 with the ground with a switch.
My other question is something I really can't find.
I know that there are cables that convert fujinon to canon.
I've got a fujinon rmd-20 controller and would like to be able to use the canon as wel. (12 pins)
But isn't possible to just make a switch that switches some cables between the canon an fujinon.
offcourse the big question is which pins should be switched.