View Full Version : VoltaicHD

Jade Maestre
August 10th, 2008, 06:19 AM
My SR11 will arrive this week. Even though I will own an HD camcorder , I'll be stuck in making SD DVD's since I don't have a blue ray burner, I found in the internet a cheap software that converts AVCHD to AVI. It's called VoltaicHD. Any comment about VoltaicHD?

Ron Evans
August 10th, 2008, 08:07 AM
Why not use the Sony software that comes with the SR11. It can make both AVCHD AND SD disc with menus or will convert the AVCHD file to mpg for authoring on other programs. You will also have to use this software to transfer the files from the SR11 to the PC anyway and will join the files of less than 4G into larger files on the PC ( the HDD in the SR11 is FAT32 so is limited to 4G files, if you record long programs it automatically creates 4G files which will need to be joined later).

Ron Evans

Ross McKinnon
August 10th, 2008, 10:59 AM
I use VoltaicHD to convert my AVCHD files from my Panasonic SD9 into something that premiere will understand. Mind you I am running premiere 6.5!!!
Have tried pinnacle studio 12 ultimate, but its oh so slow with my duo core processor.


Bo Smith
August 10th, 2008, 11:23 AM
I've been using Toast 9. It's a lot quicker than VoltAICHD. Toast will convert the file in 2.5x real time, while VoltAIC took 10x-12x realtime.

Jade Maestre
August 10th, 2008, 05:21 PM
Guys, thank you for your input. When my camcorder will arrive I will try the sony software that comes with the SR11. If it's slow then I will try the Toast 9 ro VoltaicHD. But i could see the hassle because my computer is just Pentiom D 3.2 Ghz 3 Gigs of ram. Maybe it will take centuries to render AVCHD to AVi or Mpeg.

Ross McKinnon
August 10th, 2008, 05:30 PM
Bo toast 9 is for the Mac :( anythign better on the windows platform would be niice.
Even better get one of these:-


Ron Evans
August 10th, 2008, 06:51 PM
Guys, thank you for your input. When my camcorder will arrive I will try the sony software that comes with the SR11. If it's slow then I will try the Toast 9 ro VoltaicHD. But i could see the hassle because my computer is just Pentiom D 3.2 Ghz 3 Gigs of ram. Maybe it will take centuries to render AVCHD to AVi or Mpeg.

You will need a more powerful PC to edit AVCHD. Transfer to PC doesn't take very long even with the analysis that the Sony software does, about 1 third of realtime. I use Edius to edit and convert to the HQ intermediate format, takes just less than realtime on my quadcore Q9450 PC with 8G of RAM. So transfer and convert takes just over realtime. It can then be edited in Edius just like any other HD source. For simple DVD of SD I still use the Sony software, takes time though even with my quad core.

Ron Evans

Shannon Monroe
August 12th, 2008, 08:19 PM
I've heard that Toast doesn't make as high quality conversions as Voltaic. Anybody else have thoughts on that?

Matthew Harris
January 16th, 2009, 02:38 PM
i just got voltaichd ... yes conversion is a bit slow but i just convert 15 or so files at a time and walk away for a bit ... about 2 minutes time for a :10 clip ... converted files look real good in final cut or premiere ... worth the $35 for what i need it for...

Perrone Ford
January 16th, 2009, 02:54 PM
When my camcorder will arrive I will try the sony software that comes with the SR11.

** If it's slow then I will try the Toast 9 ro VoltaicHD.**

But i could see the hassle because my computer is just Pentiom D 3.2 Ghz 3 Gigs of ram. Maybe it will take centuries to render AVCHD to AVi or Mpeg.

Anyone else see a painful period ahead for this gentleman???

Your computer is barely passable to edit SD much less HD. And when you add the pain of AVCHD, I'll be surprised if it plays at all.

Matthew Harris
January 16th, 2009, 03:01 PM
i only have 2 gigs of ram on my pc and i edit avchd files natively with vegas...a bit sluggish at times but workable...

on my mac (also 2gb ram) the converted avchd files with voltaichd are as smooth as basic sd files on final cut...

Perrone Ford
January 16th, 2009, 03:03 PM
What Mac do you have? A G4? And what level of PC?

Matthew Harris
January 18th, 2009, 02:30 AM
macbook is an intel...2 yrs old...2 gb ram

pc is a 3 yr old hp...nothing out of the ordinary...2 gb ram