Brian Boyko
August 9th, 2008, 07:36 PM
For whatever reason, capturing tapes in my HV20 via firewire on my mac using FCP results in a ton of dropped frames. Might I have better luck using a third party utility to capture the m2t stream off the tape, and if so, what utility would that be?
Robert Lane
August 9th, 2008, 08:16 PM
Dropped frames can be caused by several factors, mostly hardware related not the application. If you have more than one FW device hooked up at the same time; if the tape-head isn't clean; if the transport isn't stable; if you have automatic preferences turned-on in the OS; if you're capturing to a single internal HDD rather than a second internal (or external on a laptop)...the list goes on.
Try doing a search on capture presets and the best environment for the hardware setup; there may also be additional tips in the Canon forum for this specific issue.