View Full Version : Jump to the end of the timeline

Marc Colemont
August 7th, 2008, 04:57 PM
When I press Play in my time-line, the time-line jumps to the end of the time-line?
Scrubbing is working fine. I uninstalled and re-installed 3.3. to 3.4 to see if it was fixed, but no luck.
I'm using ProspectHD on my Macbook Pro using bootcamp XP.
Anyone had the same problem? Possible work-around?
I can't edit this way...

David Newman
August 7th, 2008, 05:09 PM
Means something is not installed or registered correctly. Contact support as it is likely machine specific. Try Premiere color bars alone on the timeline, it is a big clue if that doesn't work.

Marc Colemont
August 7th, 2008, 05:43 PM
Thanks David.
It worked fine for the first project on the MacBook Pro... after that it is suddenly there.
Should I uninstall again, and clean up extra files manually, to make sure the re-install is fresh?
I opened a trouble ticket a few days ago, with no response yet.
Therefore I tried to forum to see if there are other folks who experienced the same thing, and have a possible fix so I can edit again.
While writting the reply, I remember something else...
Could it be related to the fact that I open the same Bootcamp windows partition in Parallels?
While being registered correctly (booted in XP Pro), in Parallels the Cineform is complaining that the Licence is not valid.
Maybe that screwed the registry settings for the Cineform?
Booting back from the WinXp partition, the license is Ok.

Adam Gold
August 7th, 2008, 06:45 PM
When I press Play in my time-line, the time-line jumps to the end of the time-line?...
Over at the Adobe forums they usually say this is due to a corrupt file. Usually the solution is to create a new project and import the problem project into it. This has worked for me in the past, but YMMV as they say...

Dan Herrmann
August 7th, 2008, 07:16 PM
I go to project settings and then General and open playback settings and then unselect Force YUV desktop playback.

I probably need to do something else but I just do this and it works fine

Stephen Armour
August 9th, 2008, 06:20 PM
We just had exactly the same thing with a batch of video captured and upres'ed from HDV to 1920x1080p and some output from AE, all with NEO 4K. All the batch were captured with a beta version of that prog, and many gave probs, especially if batch rendered from AE. It was most noticeable on a x64 Prospect HD workstation, but some did the same on another 32bit Prospect 4K workstation.

We finally went back and re-captured with the newest release and all is hunkie dorie...except for the additional work and re-renders...

Marc Colemont
August 10th, 2008, 02:49 PM
The thing is that I don't capture from tape, but that I use the M2T files which are copied strait from the DR-HD100 harddisk recorder for the JVC HD-251 and convert them to Cineform AVI.

Alex Raskin
August 11th, 2008, 09:21 PM
Marc, are your files located on local drive, RAID, or on a networked drive?

I remember a couple years ago we had the same issue with files located in the SCSI tower - but when we moved files to the local drive, playback became normal. Apparently Cineform dislikes anything but local/RAID drives.

Marc Colemont
August 12th, 2008, 03:56 AM
It is from an external RAID indeed connected with E-SATA. I will check that out thanks.

Dan Herrmann
August 14th, 2008, 03:39 AM
I too had the payback go right to the end of the timeline although scrubbing was fine.

I corrected it by doing the following

-Go to project settings

-then click on General

-open playback settings (you will have a cineform box open)

a-nd the make sure the botton box (force YUV is not checked)

When I "uncheck" that box my external Esata Raids work fine.

By trial and error I eventually found this cure.

Before moving files try this first and let me know if it worked


I go to project settings and then General and open playback settings and then unselect Force YUV desktop playback

Bill Engeler
August 25th, 2008, 04:04 PM
Marc -

I recently had the same problem, and it was caused by two overlapping Cineform cross-dissolves, one in video track one, and the other in track two. when I removed one, everything worked ok again. Maybe this will help.

Dave Uriarte
August 25th, 2008, 11:09 PM
Was having the same issue in Premiere - could scrub fine but it would skip to the end of whatever clip or sequence I was working in if I pressed play or hit the space bar. Thanks Dan!

Dave Uriarte
August 25th, 2008, 11:23 PM
Did some further digging because my system was acting unusual overall - video clips, when opened in Windows Media Player, would playback but show some unusual blockiness/pixelation throughout the entire clip.

Then it hit me - I forgot that I had turned off hardware acceleration in the windows advanced graphics properties under the troubleshooting tab a couple weeks ago . I turned it back on (full), then went back into Premiere and re-checked the "force YUV desktop playback". Presto! My system is back to normal now :) Video clips play nice and smoothly in Windows Media as well.



Marc Colemont
August 26th, 2008, 01:12 PM
Thanks all for your replies. I'll try them out next week when I finish my current project. Because I could not work like this, I had to switch to another editing solution FCP in ProRES 422 for now.

Alex Raskin
August 28th, 2008, 11:58 PM
I just got the "jump to the end" effect in my PPro project!

Turns out, I dropped a 23.976 clip into 24p timeline.

Created a new 23.976 project, and no issues.

Maybe this is your case? If so, please check that your project settings are matching the clip's framerate exactly.

Hope this helps.