Chris Estrella
August 7th, 2008, 12:12 PM
Note: This is NOT a classified ad.
Hello. I'm looking to sell my GL2 and I have two wide angle lenses that came with them when I bought them. I don't use them much so I'm going to sell those two.
Since I never looked into buying WA lenses for myself (they were just a bonus with the camera to me) I don't know how much they cost.
Can anyone tell me how much exactly or roughly the retail price of these lenses? And perhaps a good selling price too would be nice. I'm just going to write out what I see on the lens...
1) Opteka digital super wide 0.5X AF precision optics (made in Japan)
2) Digital high definition 0.45x wide angle lens with macro (made in Japan) - now for this, my lens cap says "Professional Digital" and the screw-in part of the lens says MACRO in red letters but so does the lens above, so I'm not sure what the brand name is...
Hello. I'm looking to sell my GL2 and I have two wide angle lenses that came with them when I bought them. I don't use them much so I'm going to sell those two.
Since I never looked into buying WA lenses for myself (they were just a bonus with the camera to me) I don't know how much they cost.
Can anyone tell me how much exactly or roughly the retail price of these lenses? And perhaps a good selling price too would be nice. I'm just going to write out what I see on the lens...
1) Opteka digital super wide 0.5X AF precision optics (made in Japan)
2) Digital high definition 0.45x wide angle lens with macro (made in Japan) - now for this, my lens cap says "Professional Digital" and the screw-in part of the lens says MACRO in red letters but so does the lens above, so I'm not sure what the brand name is...