View Full Version : Basic Presets Question- Sorry

Bill Doyle
August 6th, 2008, 07:07 PM

I've followed the presets discussion with great interest, downloaded the ZIP of all presets and copied 2 I wanted to try to a new SD card into a folder named "PRESET" Here's what I did:

1. Initialized the card with the camera.
2. Copied over one preset from camera to card so the camera could make the appropriate folder.
3. Put the card in a reader and confirmed the one file in a "PRESET" folder.
4. Copied two presets from the download into the PRESET folder.
5. Put the card in the camera and only have access to the original file copied from camera to card.
6. Cycled through the presets on the camera and confirmed 9 internal and only one on the card.
7. Put the card back in the computer and confirmed the file names were unchanged from the download, i.e. "PRESET02.CPF", "PRESET03.CPF", etc.

What am I doing wrong?



Chris Hurd
August 6th, 2008, 07:38 PM
Are you sure it's an XH series preset, and not an XL series preset?

Hate to say it, but you could always just hard-enter the preset values by keying them in manually.

Bill Doyle
August 6th, 2008, 08:30 PM

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, these are the XH presets from the sticky that were uploaded by James Lynch. I used the Zip file that Arnoold Tersteeg put together. (Pages 20-21 of the thread)

I will enter them manually tomorrow if necessary, but I really don't want to do it for 20-30 to do some testing.


Bill Doyle
August 7th, 2008, 12:47 PM

I happened to be doing a firmware update on a digital recorder I have and couldn't get it to work. Tech Support said sometimes the Mac does something to the ZIP file which renders it unusable. Just for fun, I tried downloading the files individually, rather than from the ZIP and it worked.

I haven't investigated the Mac ZIP file issue, but at least I don't have to manually enter the settings.
