David Newman
August 6th, 2008, 05:17 PM
Here is build fixes a bunch of small items, improves the scaler even further, and get RGB mode back again for NVidia uses. It is posted now as a beta, and will like become our release verison next week.
Prospect 4K - http://tinyurl.com/P4K176
NEO 4K - http://tinyurl.com/N4K176
PHD and NHD to follow later today.
Robert Young
August 6th, 2008, 05:50 PM
So, for nVidia users, we won't need to check "force YUV" on playback settings??
David Newman
August 6th, 2008, 05:57 PM
Basically most NVidia cards are wrong for YUV surfaces, however the previous version broke the RGB output, so now you can turn the "Force YUV" off again for correct levels on NVidia.
David Newman
August 6th, 2008, 09:39 PM
I just re-uploaded these two builds as a one more enhancement was snuck in at the last minute. Here is why: It has been difficult to play with the new Activate Metadata feature without having a good range of LUTs or .look files (LUT = Look Up Table, A 3D LUT allows any color value to be mapped anywhere else in the spectrum -- extremely flexible.) Fortunately these is the 30-day trial of SpeedGrade OnSet (http://www.speedgrade.com/onset/), allowing you to generate any look you want and use those in real-time on you CineForm files. Only issue, we didn't support the default output of OnSet which was a 8x8x8 LUT (there are preferences for LUT size.) In this new build of 176 you can use any Iridas 3D LUT .look file from 8x8x8, 16x16x16, 32x32x32 and the original but awesome 64x64x64 color cube.
Go on, create some LUTs, some cool looks, and share you creations with others.
David Newman
August 7th, 2008, 12:13 AM
New uploads for:
Prospect HD http://tinyurl.com/PHD176
NEO HD http://tinyurl.com/NHD176
Alex Raskin
August 7th, 2008, 06:02 AM
To test beta's HDlink utility, I tried to install the Prospect beta on a PC without Premiere, but install failed with 'registry key not found" error.
Is there a workaround?
David Newman
August 7th, 2008, 09:37 AM
Yes, install NEO HD/4K is Prospect without the Premiere stuff.
David Newman
August 7th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Aspect HD build now available here http://tinyurl.com/AHD124