View Full Version : My first real video edit - suggestions ?

Jayson Corcoran
August 6th, 2008, 12:15 PM
I know this is going to be poor in line with the work you guys do but its my first effort using the a1 and creator 10 software.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped me as ive gone from never doing any video work before and in fact having no camcorder to doing this within 6 weeks.

It can only get better I reckon :)

Any ideas on how to get better footage ?

Bill Busby
August 6th, 2008, 12:18 PM
"You do not have permission to watch this video"

Jayson Corcoran
August 6th, 2008, 12:41 PM
sorry, ive fixed it now.

Jai Gabbard
August 6th, 2008, 08:08 PM
hey jayson,

i'm not an expert but i will give you my 2 cents.

all of your shots were static, no movement. the only movement i saw was the muffler slightly moving when you were gunning the engine, and when you moved your head a little bit. it almost could have been done with a still camera.

maybe some nice slow pans across the car, some very tight shots of the wheels, or muffler moving when your gunning the engine, a tight shot of you opening the car door and getting in, a shot of you pushing the pedal to the medal to give it all some context.

just a few ideas from a fellow amateur.

if you want to check out a couple of my firsts, and give me your 2 cents...

you have a very nice car!



Bill Busby
August 6th, 2008, 09:58 PM
With what's already been mentioned, you used an upbeat tune yet the edits weren't upbeat. Especially in the beginning (still... slow dissolve to still after still, etc.). It doesn't "move". I'm not talking about the shots not moving... it's the cuts that don't. Plus there's 1min. of the same locked down shot, with the music still playing.

On a side note... I'd rather just hear that engine purr & roar... no music! Sweet car whether it's yours or not (there was no mention of ownership).

In time, you'll get better & "get it". :)

Jayson Corcoran
August 7th, 2008, 02:01 AM
The car is mine (well company car) and I thank you for the comments.
I posted the clip on a ferrari forum im on (actually where I was given the link to this forum from when I first decided to buy a camcorder) and they said the exact same thing about the music so from now on its engine noise for me :)

Ill take on board what you guys have said and post another clip as soon as ive time.

Russ Motyko
August 7th, 2008, 01:16 PM
I agree with whats already been said. Tighter/closer shots. Camera movement. More cuts less dissolves. Better sound track.

The Ferrari is a beautiful car. Don't be afraid to get close to show off it's curves. Try different angles and perspectives.

If you want some ideas watch Top Gear :D

Bill Grant
August 7th, 2008, 01:30 PM
I have to say that if I had access to that car, I think that I would live in it. Wow. What a job. Whatever it is. It is a dream subject in sound and shape. Good on ya!

Richard Gooderick
August 7th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Maybe you should have bought a stills camera?


Firstly I would get the car out of that garage. The lighting is awful.

Secondly I'd try to figure out why someone would want to watch the film and make the film accordingly.

If it's for car enthusiasts the engine noise would be appreciated more than irrelevant music.

It's a beautiful car that moves. I'd like to see it out and about doing stuff.

For me this film was really boring but I'm sure you can easily do a lot better.

Jayson Corcoran
August 7th, 2008, 02:59 PM
Our company is based on engine tuning, so this is the reason we filmed the car on the dynometer, we have open access to it and can show people the cars we have had in the workshop.
I am taking on board all comments and will get some open air footage and do better next time :)

Will Mahoney
August 8th, 2008, 01:54 PM
This was a good first effort. Now it's just time to tweak.

I do lots of vehicle stuff and I have some observations (others noted similar ideas.)

We really want to see something moving, and it doesn't have to be the camera.

You guys are obviously trying to support some sort of engine tuning ability, which is great. Show me some performance and movement.

I'd really like a close-up of the tailpipe rumbling, the wheel spinning on the dynojet, the computer screen that is flashing different numbers and parameters while the test is in progress. Show me the tach needle getting worked over or the speedometer holding steady at whatever the test speed is.

Also, show me some before and after Dyno numbers. Then you can take it outside and lay down a sick burnout or something equally impressive to your market. Do Ferrari owners pride themselves on gobs of power, or styling and looks? Or is it handling? Whatever your market likes, show it to them.

Show me how you can make my Ferrari (I wish) better and what it'll look like or do when you're done.

Good job on the video - keep moving forward.

Jayson Corcoran
August 8th, 2008, 03:27 PM
These are more great suggestions and ones that will really work well for the project of showing what our company can do, the effect of showing tail pipes, tacho etc will I am sure work extremely well.
I will work on this next week.
Cheers for the help.

Benoit Bissonnette
August 8th, 2008, 03:40 PM

I think that the best way to improve your video is to ask yourself the not so obvious question: "What am I trying to show here". That might sound like a very stupid question but in fact it's not at all. I've done professional photography for over 20 years now and this is the first question I ALWAYS ask myself each time I press on the shutter! It's even more critical in video... you have to justify not only the framing of the shot but the movement too!

So, what's your motive here? That the Ferrari is a beautiful car? If so, show all the details of the craftsmanship that went into the design and its sexy curves. The Ferrari is a fast car and very powerful car, then make sure you grab that. It's got great technology in the motor? Well, go for those shots. You want to sell the car, that requires different shots... Do you want to show how a dynometer works? Then, the Ferrari might be irrelevant!

Once you've nailed what the video is about and what you're trying to show, then the editing, lighting, music, and the type of shots will just be your own artistic way to deliver the message you want your viewers to see and understand. Give 5 cameras to 5 different filmmakers and with the exact same subject and goal and you will get 5 totally different movies.

Keep working on this good start!

Denise Wall
August 10th, 2008, 10:52 AM
Not much to add but my impression is the dissolves are much too long, especially for the actual shot/still time used undissolved. As people have said, straight cuts would be better most of the time.

I think there's some "rule" that a single shot from the same angle should be no longer than seven seconds if you want to keep the viewer's attention. In this day and time, with cuts in commercials, etc., that are so fast you can barely focus before they change, seven seconds is probably too long.

I get bored easily and want things to move along. When I'm watching my own stuff and even I'm bored, I know things need to move more quickly. So basically, tighter, faster like others are saying.

Jayson Corcoran
August 10th, 2008, 03:07 PM
Its funny how most comments are so similar, obviously because all the above is correct.
I did find myself watching top gear today and after reading here I viewed the show in a completely different way, the way of the editor and in many cases the change between shots is so quick I am sure there are upto 4 in a single second !
Also, as the last comment about the slow desolves, I have to say I personally liked the idea but after reading here and looking at the tv it is apparent that straight cuts are more pleasing to the eye.

I really am going to have a play over the next few weeks.

Do you think the editing of the footage is more important at the start of someones time in camera editing than the overall quality ?

By that I mean, do you think getting a clean and crisp end result is better than focusing my time on lighting etc ?

Benoit Bissonnette
August 10th, 2008, 05:10 PM
Do you think the editing of the footage is more important at the start of someones time in camera editing than the overall quality ?

By that I mean, do you think getting a clean and crisp end result is better than focusing my time on lighting etc ?

I don't think you can see video production as something you can skimp on certain areas. I've done professional photography for over 20 years and just embraced digital filmmaking since 1 year now. I thought it would be a lot easier just to get decent results... Gheeez, I was wrong!

I barely participate in the discussions here (I read a lot though) because I don't know have enough knowledge to throw in my 0.02 on 90% of what's discussed here. So, I keep reading, get inspired by so many people's work here, hoping one day I'll be one of those who can participate more and have something decent to show.

So far, I've found out the following: more you put efforts in getting great lighting, high quality sound, creative shots, nice photography, good movement, and a decent amount of footage, it makes your editing a little easier because you've got more material in your hands to play with. I say little easier because you still have to be creative with the material you've just shot. If your raw footage needs all sorts of color correction, noise removal, or is not well lit, the process just gets longer and more frustrating. This is where you fully understand that the "fix it in post" motto has its limits and you learn the hard way to get the shot right the first time!

Hope this helps,

Denise Wall
August 11th, 2008, 06:27 AM
Do you think the editing of the footage is more important at the start of someones time in camera editing than the overall quality ?

By that I mean, do you think getting a clean and crisp end result is better than focusing my time on lighting etc ?

If it's an either or, I'd go with the best edit. JMHO.

Will Mahoney
August 11th, 2008, 01:50 PM
If it's an either or, I'd go with the best edit. JMHO.
Definitely. Yes, you want a quality video for your customers to see - but the information in the video is much more important than the look. Make sense?

Yes, spending time on lighting is important. But this isn't a feature film and lighting isn't that important to your message. Lighting can come later, as you see and realize that you need it.

For now, worry about capturing good images and driving a clear message to your audience.

Keep shooting.

Matthew Ebenezer
August 15th, 2008, 11:24 PM
Man, everyone beat me to the punch .... some awesome advice here for you Jayson.

Top Gear is the benchmark for car videography for sure. Some detail shots would really help sell what you guys do - i.e. cut in some shots of dials, tacho moving etc ...

You're a lucky man, this is the closest I've been to a Ferrari ... Canon XH-A1 - Day 3 - Car and Warbird Meet on Vimeo (



Jayson Corcoran
August 17th, 2008, 03:03 AM
Man, everyone beat me to the punch .... some awesome advice here for you Jayson.

Top Gear is the benchmark for car videography for sure. Some detail shots would really help sell what you guys do - i.e. cut in some shots of dials, tacho moving etc ...

You're a lucky man, this is the closest I've been to a Ferrari ... Canon XH-A1 - Day 3 - Car and Warbird Meet on Vimeo (



If your ever in the UK, there will be a ferrari, lamborghini and porsche waiting for you to film !

And im dead serious....

Matthew Ebenezer
August 17th, 2008, 06:09 AM
If your ever in the UK, there will be a ferrari, lamborghini and porsche waiting for you to film !

And im dead serious....

Sounds great! I'm actually coming over in May next year so I might have to hold you to that :)

Jayson Corcoran
August 17th, 2008, 03:09 PM
No problem, what part of the UK you visiting ?
Im based in the midlands but have offices just outside Birmingham and London.

Matthew Ebenezer
August 19th, 2008, 05:35 AM
No problem, what part of the UK you visiting ?
Im based in the midlands but have offices just outside Birmingham and London.

We'll be visiting family in Beckenham plus doing the usual tourist stops.

Jayson Corcoran
August 19th, 2008, 06:50 AM
If your going to be visiting shakespears birthplace (most tourists do) im only 40km away.

Matthew Ebenezer
August 19th, 2008, 05:46 PM
If your going to be visiting shakespears birthplace (most tourists do) im only 40km away.

Cool! I'll keep it in mind for sure!