View Full Version : Vegas and (mainly) TSmuxer issues.
Dave Pearce August 5th, 2008, 09:22 AM Ive got problem that i hope someone can help explain.
Ive joined together my .mts files by renaming them to .m2ts and using TSmuxer. This seems to do the trick and will output a complete .m2ts file that plays fine on my PC.
The problem is that when i import this in to Vegas im getting blank frames where the joins are. Im guessing there is something slightly non standard at the joins and im having to cut a few frames at each join.
Any ideas why this is happening and how to stop it. Im pretty sure my Popcornhour is also having problems playing past these joins as it speeds up at these points.
Tony Spring August 6th, 2008, 12:17 AM Why don't you use the software that came with the camera for creating .m2ts files. They'll work just fine in Vegas.
Steve Mullen August 6th, 2008, 01:01 AM Why are "joining"files. Vegas 8 edits HDV and AVCHD.
Dave Pearce August 6th, 2008, 02:17 AM Ok, here why.
I would normally edit in Vegas but my girlfriend just got back off holiday with my HF10 and shot around 30mins of clips. We wanted to just quickly piece them all together so i could stream them, without gaps to my TV so we could watch them. Takes a few mins rather than a couple of hours of editing and rendering and we can watch them at full resolution.
I thought as i had one big file i could just put that in to Vegas and edit it down, and thats when the blank frames popped up.
So, Steve, i want to join them for the above reasons. I dont always want to go through the editing and rendering process just to see the raw footage on my TV but i do want to stream the clips rather than hook the cam up.
Tony, when i first got my HF10 and loaded the software it wouldn't run so i gave up on it. I figured i didn't need it. But, if it will join the clips without re rendering then ill give it another go.
Cheers guys.
Steve Mullen August 6th, 2008, 12:53 PM Ok, here why.
We wanted to just quickly piece them all together so i could stream them, without gaps to my TV so we could watch them.
Why not make a Playlist in the camera?
Let the camera do the playback.
Dave Pearce August 6th, 2008, 01:29 PM Why not make a Playlist in the camera?
Let the camera do the playback.
Sorry to be blunt but can we keep this on topic.
If i had wanted to use the camera i would have, but i didnt as i have said above.
I know you are trying to help and im well aware of all my options, but its only one im asking for help with.
Dave Pearce August 6th, 2008, 02:26 PM Why don't you use the software that came with the camera for creating .m2ts files. They'll work just fine in Vegas.
Tony, ive just managed to get pixela Imagemixer working and it does indeed join the clips but Vegas is still giving me black frames and speed ups at the joins.
Bill Jernigan August 6th, 2008, 02:50 PM Dave,
This is kind of tied into the other thread discussing joining avchd files. TSMuxer was one of the programs I was trying out to join files. The resulting file it creates has problems. I could get it to play on the computer, but it would lock up or cause freezing when played on my media server- at the joining points, and would cause problems when I brought the resulting file into nero Vision or Vegas. When you load an avchd file in TSMuxer and click on each individual stream, it will show some information about it in the "General track options" window. Load an original clip in it and click on the audio track. It should show 0 delay. Now load a joined file you made with TSMuxer and look at the audio, it will show that there is a delay( at least it always did for me). Don't know why it's doing that or how to stop it, but something about TSMuxer alters the audio stream after joining clips. I had spent hours and hours messing with it but could never get it to join clips with out it altering the delay in the resulting audio stream, which is probably causing you the problems.
Dave Pearce August 6th, 2008, 04:39 PM Dave,
This is kind of tied into the other thread discussing joining avchd files. TSMuxer Bill
Yes, ive just replied in the other thread. Im going to give up for now. Everything i do results in issues with both Vegas and my PCH and PS3.
As you say, playback on the PC is fine.