View Full Version : Export to Tape --> DigiBeta | AspectHD

Julian Shapiro
August 3rd, 2008, 12:43 PM
When I'm done editing my project and I export it as 1080p WMV files (within Premiere), am I then able to send these high-quality QuickTime files to a company to export them directly to DigiBeta for television broadcast?

I ask this because I've been trying to work within Cineform's AspectHD with Premiere Pro CS3 but nothing seems to work too well... when I would convert my source mpeg files to avi and then use them to edit together my project... when I'd be done I'd export to m2t files to export back to tape but when I export back to tape and then re-import from the tape, I see frame loss and weird sluggishness.

I would love to do away with the whole Cineform process and simply edit like I normally do and wind up with either high-quality mpeg files or high-quality QuickTime files and then have those sent to a company in LA to export to DigiBeta as opposed to sending them Canon HDV tapes. Is this possible?

Clearly, I know little about the exporting to tape process.

Bill Pryor
August 3rd, 2008, 01:47 PM
Why not just edit in HDV, export as an H264 QT, full size, put it on a drive and send it to the company? Check with them first, of course.

Julian Shapiro
August 3rd, 2008, 05:31 PM
Yeah that's what I've been coming up with too. Thanks, Bill.

P.S. How does DigiBeta look compared to raw HDV?

Bill Pryor
August 3rd, 2008, 06:50 PM
Digibeta is probably the best non-HD format around. But you can't really compare original footage to HDV original unless you hooked up a 1/3" chip HDV camera to a Digibeta deck and recorded to both formats and then looked at the tapes side by side. All Digibeta camcorders were high end 2/3" chip models, so even though it's not HD, it's probably going to look better than any of the 1/3" chip HDV cameras.