March 14th, 2002, 03:29 PM
hi all,
i just purchased a sont trv-17 & i'm trying to "print to tape" from premiere to the cam through firewire.
premire controls the device fine, it will start/stop to record but the tape does not pick up a signal i.e. i get a blank recording.
is there a setting on the camera i've overlooked or is this a premiere issue or is my cam not capable of this feature?
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Adam Lawrence
March 14th, 2002, 04:23 PM
im not dure about the TRV but on the XL1 thers a feature where you can
hold down the play and record keys to set the camera to DV-IN.
Look in you users manual to find out a setting to activate DV-IN
also try not printing to tape, maybe jus run the timeline while your camera records...lookinto the view finder and see if you camera is picking up the image.
Is your camera capturing fine to premiere?
It should work both ways once you capture the camera should reconize
DV-IN automatically once you exit the "capture movie" window.
Rob Lohman
March 15th, 2002, 02:32 AM
If you are in europe (your location is not filled in) it might
be that your camera does NOT have DV-IN enabled. This
is "normal" in Europe. You need to get an more expensive
camera with DV-IN or have your camera "fixed". Either through
software or a hardware patch.
March 15th, 2002, 08:36 AM
thanks for your help fellas, i tried your suggestion but to no avail.
i'm dissapointed that i can't find out more about the camera's capabilities from the sony website.
thanks again.
March 15th, 2002, 11:46 AM
Howdy. Some thoughts.
I had the Sony Trv-310 and had the same problem. I was using the Miro DV-200 firewire card. It came with it's own "print to tape" Application and stated cleary to "NOT USE PREMIERE" print to tape function.
What firewire card are you using? It should have come with some applications made for it. If not you should try and find another app to send out through the firewire. Something that doesn't take up alot of resources.
(possible solution)
You may have to output your movie as a dv compressed "avi" or DV "quicktime" and then close your master premiere file and restart to a new Dv blank file, then load the Already compressed DV formatted avi into the time line and then try to print to tape. My guess is you are trying to compress and output at the same time, or output inside of your master premiere file the final movie. If premiere had a ton of @#@# in the project, you render the movie, and when it pops up as finished, you try to print to tape function it just may have too much #@$ its trying to process at once.
Are you sure you compressed it with the DV codec for your cam? Sony DV, Canon DV and Panasonic Dv formats are all sleightly different. Make sure you used the one your firewire card came with, or that is compatible with your cam. Also there are some output options that may not be set up correctly. Double check everything. Make sure its .9 ratio, 720X480, Interlaced. Make sure your hard drive isn't almost full (the far edges of the platter on the HD don't spin as fast as the inside) Make sure you have defragmented and scandisked. Make sure your using a 7200rpm drive with at least 2meg cache, ot better yet a scsi or raid. Make sure you Dv card isn't conflicting with anything, or sharing resources. (hard to determine in 2000), Make sure it is in the closest available slot in the pci bus chain to the top.
There are soo many things that could mess up a capture or output session. Its like trying to figure out why you car won't start. Start with the most obvious and work your down.
Good luck, if you are still having problems, try and go to the miro website and download the driver for the Dv200, it should come with the output app too, which in a crunch might work with your cam? Good Luck.