Michael Gebben
July 29th, 2008, 12:00 PM
Hello Everyone,
My name is Michael Gebben and I own Gebbs Total Video. We are a small video production company that has been in business for three years now. You can see examples of our work at http://www.gebbstotalvideo.com/videos.html We have currently just produced a template for after effects that is a great intro and ending for photo montages. You can see an example of it here http://gebbstotalvideo.com/clientviewing/booktemplatetest.html We have used it on a number of our videos and people love it!! The template is very easy to use and we will be recording a tutorial soon that will explain how to use it. If you are interested in purchasing it please e-mail me at michael@gebbstotalvideo.com Thanks.
Louis Maddalena
July 29th, 2008, 12:04 PM
how much are you looking to sell it for out of curiosity.
Michael Gebben
July 29th, 2008, 01:10 PM
Check this link http://gebbstotalvideo.com/clientviewing/aebooktemplate.html it has updated information on pricing. If we get a good response we plan to release different versions/seasons in the future. We appreciate any input and if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
Oleg Kalyan
July 29th, 2008, 01:30 PM
It looks great,
is it only one possible picture/look on a book at the beginning, it says I think 1925...?
What if the date is different, or the snow theme is not applicable?
Michael Gebben
July 29th, 2008, 02:10 PM
You can change both sets of text on the front of the book to anything you want very easily in after effects. As far as the snow theme goes, if we get a good response to this template and people really like it we are definately wanting to release different themes such as possibly a summer, spring, and fall or any other suggestions people might have. But the snow is all you'll get right now.
Oleg Kalyan
July 29th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Thank you!
Michael Gebben
July 30th, 2008, 07:16 AM
I would love to hear what people are thinking about this or what people would like to see.......
Kelsey Emuss
July 30th, 2008, 06:41 PM
Very cool!
I'd be interested in seeing more........
Wendy Lake
August 21st, 2008, 05:54 PM
I really like the templates and would like to use similar templates in Vegas 8.0. If anyone knows where one can find wedding templates, family reunion templates and the like, please let me know. Thanks. Wendy@wendylakeproductions.com
Oren Arieli
August 22nd, 2008, 12:11 PM
Living (as I do now) in California. It would be hard for me to incorporate a snow theme in a place that never gets snow. It is a very evocative template and quite well done (especially the ending 'crane' shot). A summer/fall template would be of more interest to me.
Michael Gebben
August 26th, 2008, 08:56 PM
Sorry I haven't replied recently.... We had some big projects come up that sidetracked us a little bit. We are taking into consideration everyone's suggestions and working hard at creating some different themes and yes ones that won't be so winter oriented (sorry about that). Anyone who purchases this first template will get the next two templates free!
Wendy- We actually are huge fans of VEGAS!! We will look into creating some templates that could be easily used with vegas.