Ted Bragg
July 28th, 2008, 09:18 PM
I'm trying to author 200 minute long DVDs -- but I can't figure out how to get half-d1 output from FCP. I'm about ready to just pipe it thru s-video to a DVD recording deck...that sucker can squeeze 4 hours onto one disc...
I don't have iDvd or DVD Studio... I'm using Sizzle (budget ran out after FCP was purchased)
I *DO* have Compressor -- how can I make this happen?
Robert Lane
July 28th, 2008, 09:54 PM
D1 and DV are nearly identical; 720x534 vs 720x540. However trying to fit 200 minutes (over 3 hours?) onto a single-layer DVD would look horrible because the bitrate would be so low. You can expect highly pixleated, noisy encodes with bitrates that low - it will look like low-bandwidth internet video at that point.
I'm not familiar with Sizzle other than it's freeware (I think) but unless it can author/burn to a dual-layer disc properly (which I'd highly doubt because it can be a dicey task sometimes even in DVDSP4) which would allow for a closer to normal bitrate for the encode you're not going to end up with a decent end result no matter what.
It may not be what you wanted, but if your final project can handle 2-discs that would be the better way to go, then you'd be able to get a closer to normal bitrate for the encode.
Noah Kadner
July 29th, 2008, 03:15 AM
Actually it's not that bad. Our EX1 training DVD clocks in at around 3 hours and we fit it all onto a DVD-5 with Compressor. Looks pretty nice actually. Of course this is coming from a very clean, well corrected HD source.
Robert Lane
July 29th, 2008, 10:21 AM
Actually it's not that bad. Our EX1 training DVD clocks in at around 3 hours and we fit it all onto a DVD-5 with Compressor. Looks pretty nice actually. Of course this is coming from a very clean, well corrected HD source.
And therein lies three keys to a really good final encode: starting out with as much data/color information as possible out-of-camera, perfect color/finishing techniques and the Compressor tricks for output.
Ted is (unfortunately) starting out with SD content and then having to squeeze the heck out of it to fit on the same space as your DVD's. If he was using a hardware MPEG2 encoder it would look fine (or possibly even the new Omni Cinemacraft plug-in) but he's using software and an outdated version of Compressor. It's just not going to look as good as your stuff.