View Full Version : Engagement Story & Wedding Day Edit
Scott Shama July 27th, 2008, 10:45 PM We showed an Engagement Story and a Wedding Day Edit for a great couple yesterday. Feel free to critique.. the engagement story is about 9 minutes, the WDE is 3 minutes.
Thanks for looking!
Oleg Kalyan July 27th, 2008, 11:57 PM Scott!
Watched the Story,
Liked it, great production, stedicam worked nicely, studio lighting is beautiful!
Great couple!
Some comments:
Cutting between B&G, using medium to CU, doesn't work, imo, (throws of continuity, significance)...on a same person it works fine on the other hand to motivate an eye.
Dutch tilt on some shots ...06.13, etc, during the walk in a park seem a bit extreme, imo, on some shots not quite ...06.35... was not sure, if that was a statement (considering that it stays the same through the shot)
Consider it as nitpicking, good work!
Kees van Duijvenbode July 28th, 2008, 12:39 AM As a habitant of Holland I'm very curious what is meant by a "Dutch tilt"?
Oleg Kalyan July 28th, 2008, 12:58 AM Kees, here you are!
Off topic
(I like it and use it in some dynamic sweeps, camera flying by, or over, with changed angle, less often stationary)
Scott, was it shot in black studio, or you chromakeyed it?
Travis Cossel July 28th, 2008, 04:32 PM Great work. I'll bet showing the two back to back was a really powerful combination. They had a great story and a great on-camera presence that just sold itself.
One thing I might have done different is with the WDE. At the very end of the song, after the final "Here comes the rest of our lives", there is a guitar strum and then all of the music fades. I would have faded the video with that guitar strum. As it stands right now, the shot lingers on the screen too long as the music fades, and then you lose the impact of the shot because it's on screen long enough for us to see the camera starting in another direction. Fading that shot earlier, and with the guitar strum, would have probably worked better in my opinion.
Great work, though. I'll bet this went over VERY well at the reception.
Travis Cossel July 28th, 2008, 04:40 PM By the way, what's the song/artist in the WDE? I've been trying to find it on iTunes but can't find it.
Bill Grant July 28th, 2008, 05:32 PM The song is Graham Colton - Best Days you know I mean, yeah.
Travis Cossel July 28th, 2008, 05:37 PM The song is Graham Colton - Best Days you know I mean, yeah.
Thanks. Appreciate it.