View Full Version : Multicam with PMW-EX1 & HVR-Z7 in FCP

Kevin Walsh
July 27th, 2008, 06:04 AM
I'm trying to set up a multicam clip with footage from 2 EX1s (XDCAM Codec 1080i) and a Z7U(HDV 1080i). I keep getting a message the the frame sizes don't match. I am not sure what is the best way to handle this.
Do I need to convert everything to Pro Res? Could I just convert the HDV footage to something with the same frame size as the EX-1? My HDD is starting to fill and I would like to do as little converting as possible. My sequences are set up for XDCam and to render effects in Pro Res. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

William Hohauser
July 27th, 2008, 10:25 AM
Set up a sequence in ProRes in the frame size that matches your XDCam footage. The HDV footage will drop in and play although it will require a render later. You should be able to set up all three sets of footage as a multi-cam clip and switch. I've done it with mixing different varieties of HDV but not XDCam. Try it.