View Full Version : List of 1080p 3-d projectors

Anmol Mishra
July 25th, 2008, 05:38 PM
I found a list on this website but its outdated with no 1080p projectors.

Does anyone know of any 3-d projectors ?

Anmol Mishra
July 25th, 2008, 05:42 PM
3 more found here

Ron Labbe
July 26th, 2008, 11:52 AM
You're not specifying what type of 3D. You could project anaglyph, for example, with many digital projectors. Do you want linear, circular polarized? Shutter glasses? Most "3D projectors" are pairs, while single projector solutions incorporate a special "z-screen" in front of the lens. The "3D compatible" projectors listed take a page-flipped image and alternates for shutter glasses, but most are less than acceptable frame rate to avoid flicker. RealD uses 2k projectors with a circular polarized z screen... a little costly, though.

ron labbe
studio 3d

Anmol Mishra
July 27th, 2008, 10:35 PM
The Infocus DephtQ seems to be the budget model - it seems to have the page flipped image you refer to. I was also looking at head mounted displays - but I have yet to find one that can take the stereo signal on 2x RCA cables. It seems that most of them take the stereo signal on 1 RCA, component or HDMI channel and the 3-D is provided as alternate frames..

I am still reading to understand the difference between anaglyph, linear, circular polarized techniques..