View Full Version : June Wedding Promo !

Oleg Kalyan
July 25th, 2008, 12:32 AM
Very much would like to share a short promo,
appreciate all kinds of comments, critique!

Oleg Kalyan
July 25th, 2008, 07:25 AM
Unusually quiet on the thread?! 48 views, no comments, c'mon colleagues, share your thoughts :)


Andrew McWeeny
July 25th, 2008, 09:25 AM
Very, Very Nice! I'm now learning lighting techniques in photography and really appreciated the way you used lighting in the first segment.

Oleg Kalyan
July 25th, 2008, 10:42 AM
Andrew, appreciate your kind words on lighting,
at the beginning it adds to the effect created with the use of 35 mm optics on Canon H1

I share your passion for photography, did studies in the US, worked in
fashion industry for few years,

Best regards, Oleg.

Kelsey Emuss
July 25th, 2008, 11:51 AM
That was BEAUTIFUL! I could have cried during the father/daughter dance!

Oleg Kalyan
July 25th, 2008, 12:11 PM
Kelsey, thank you,
the father/daughter dance was indeed very emotional, the dance happened naturally close to the end of the wedding party, I was ready to pack the tripod and the gear, and then I saw something, every videographer/photographer can dream of....

Pure expression/exchange of emotions between the father and his daughter!
I had my thanks to God for such a gift, it happened to me in such form first time in 5 years of wedding videography career!

I recall tears in my eyes, ( looking in a viewfinder : ), following every move, every second of it ...

I decided to make a highlights clip based on that dance.

Kelsey Emuss
July 25th, 2008, 12:20 PM
Well I recently filmed a wedding with an emotional F/D dance (made me tear up also!) BUT I can tell you that my footage did not look like yours!! So while you may have "stumbled" upon the moment...YOU are the one who made it magical to watch!

Buba Kastorski
July 25th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Олега, super!
miss the Moscow.

Travis Cossel
July 25th, 2008, 01:48 PM
Very well done I thought. Great pace, movement, colors ... the edit fit the music perfectly.

Oleg Kalyan
July 25th, 2008, 02:09 PM
Kelsey, Buba, Travis, thank you,
your words really mean a lot to me, I'll keep on working, to improve!

Buba, come to Moscow one day, if you can. It's a great city these days!

One thing, on a Russian forum, my friend suggested to end up with the B&G shot, not with the
father, what your thoughts are?

Kelsey Emuss
July 25th, 2008, 07:23 PM
I wedding I shot the bride was a single mom, with a 10 yr old son. He was clearly the world to her, they had a special unity ceremony for him, he got his own wedding band etc. It seemed as if she was thrilled to have him finally have a "family".

Any how my final shot that the video faded out with was of the Bride and her son giving each other high 5's in slo-mo. It was sweet and touching and a wedding isn't JUST about the B&G it's really about "Family". In my opinion!

Matthew Ebenezer
July 25th, 2008, 10:28 PM
Hey Oleg,

Some of the transitions were a bit 'crazy' and what looked like some steadicam shots were too fast for my liking.

But, overall I liked it and the edit suited the music well - great choice of music.



Oleg Kalyan
July 26th, 2008, 01:07 PM
Kelsey, I share your understanding of the specific situation, that the bride as a single mom, with a 10 yr old son...

You've made a clear choice of story telling through editing, IMO
the more we are conscientious and purposeful in our work, the better we serve the clients,

I really think we have to go beyond rapport with the B&G and relatives we work with, at the weddings, total understanding (or as much as we can) of the people and the situations we work, is a great asset!

Matthew, appreciate the comment, I guess I wanted it to be a little "crazy", or a better word would be spontaneous!

Mike Moncrief
July 27th, 2008, 06:32 AM

Nicely done, you used a lot of different editing styles mixed all in one piece.. and you made it work.. The one shot that jolted me was the pullback on the bridge in black and white of the bride and groom kissing.. the end of that move was very abrupt and jolting.. Otherwise super piece..

Oleg Kalyan
July 27th, 2008, 10:18 AM
Mike, thank you,
sorry about jolting you a little bit, I really wanted this piece to be passionate, so some moves I set were on purpose big, editing increased it somewhat, a little of Time Remap... in addition to shooting some big moves, during B&G walk in the park.

I wanted the camera to convey intimacy, yet "the passion of emotional wind" around the couple! (if it can be expressed in these words, it's my cinematic verbal language : )

Appreciate watching!