View Full Version : Weva Expo 08
Mary Angelini July 24th, 2008, 05:22 PM After many times searching this forum for WEVA 08 expo chatter, I'm surprised to find out that no one is talking about it.
This will be my first year going the the WEVA Expo and I wanted to know what other opinions are for hot seminars. Also advice to get the most out of the event. Any one excited?
So.... whats Buzzing?
Jason Robinson July 24th, 2008, 06:15 PM I looked into WEVA membership, but there is virtually zero benefit for me, even though I am primarily a wedding and event videographer.
Ethan Cooper July 24th, 2008, 06:48 PM I've honestly never had any interest in WEVA, but I'm admittedly terrible at networking and a borderline hermit.
Mike Williams July 24th, 2008, 09:03 PM I will take the long trek to WEVA this year with me wife :) to see what the best of the best are doing and take a little vacation of sorts.
I wouldn't go cuz Vegas was just way too far of a trip for a few days. for me anyway
This year its in Orlando
Mark Von Lanken July 24th, 2008, 11:40 PM After many times searching this forum for WEVA 08 expo chatter, I'm surprised to find out that no one is talking about it.
This will be my first year going the the WEVA Expo and I wanted to know what other opinions are for hot seminars. Also advice to get the most out of the event. Any one excited?
So.... whats Buzzing?
Hi Mary,
Trisha and I are pumped about Expo 08. We attended our first Expo in 98 in Miami. We have only missed one Expo since 98.
First of all, go to Tim Sudall's presentation on Monday at 10:30. It will help you with your Expo experience. Bring a notepad as well as an audio recorder. Your brain will get overloaded and it's good to be able to go back and listen to the presentations.
I would evaluate your skills to determine what area of your business you want to focus on and then make sure you attend sessions that will help you. There will be a lot of really cool creative sessions, but if you need to improve on your marketing or business skills, you don't want to over look those presentations.
One of the toughest things about the Expo is deciding which presentations to attend. See if you can buddy up with someone. Share notes and or audio recordings because usually you will discover that you would like to see 3 if not all 4 of the presenations that are going on at the same time.
Above all else, bring lot's of business cards and a big smile. Say hi to everyone you come across. We have friends from all over the country and it all started by meeting them at the WEVA Expo.
We will have a booth at the trade, so come by and say hi.
Mary Angelini July 25th, 2008, 04:27 AM Thanks Mark,
I'm a bit awe struck a 'Major Player' would reply to my post. I have one of your videos!!
That aside, I have found that choosing the seminar is challenging because, like you said, there are too many that are interesting at the same time. This is my first year of membership, and for a association that thrives on digital video capturing, I'm surprised to see that WEVA hasn't offered to record the seminars to view at a later date.
I'm going to the expo and seminars knowing no one. Maybe I'll form a group here to share notes and audio files?
Thanks for replying, you have some great tips. I'll make sure to introduce myself at your booth.
I am looking forward to meeting you and your wife
Mary Angelini July 25th, 2008, 04:38 AM I will take the long trek to WEVA this year with me wife :) to see what the best of the best are doing and take a little vacation of sorts.
I wouldn't go cuz Vegas was just way too far of a trip for a few days. for me anyway
This year its in Orlando
Great Mike!
Will this be your first time going? How is wedding business in the USVI? I may be moving back to Abaco, Bahamas in the new few years if my Fiancee cannot get a work permit soon.
Do you know what seminars you will be attending? I have not made a final decision, but if we attend different semeanrs do you want to swap notes?
I'm planning on taking written notes and recording the seminar on a digital voice recorder.
Mark Von Lanken July 29th, 2008, 08:37 PM I will take the long trek to WEVA this year with me wife :) to see what the best of the best are doing and take a little vacation of sorts.
I wouldn't go cuz Vegas was just way too far of a trip for a few days. for me anyway
This year its in Orlando
Hi Mike,
I look forward to meeting you. I'm glad they moved it away from Las Vegas. After going to Vegas for 8 years in a row, I was ready for a change.
Mark Von Lanken July 29th, 2008, 09:04 PM Thanks Mark,
I'm a bit awe struck a 'Major Player' would reply to my post. I have one of your videos!!
That aside, I have found that choosing the seminar is challenging because, like you said, there are too many that are interesting at the same time. This is my first year of membership, and for a association that thrives on digital video capturing, I'm surprised to see that WEVA hasn't offered to record the seminars to view at a later date.
I'm going to the expo and seminars knowing no one. Maybe I'll form a group here to share notes and audio files?
Thanks for replying, you have some great tips. I'll make sure to introduce myself at your booth.
I am looking forward to meeting you and your wife
Hi Mary,
I'm sorry for the delay in getting back with you. Your reply came in while I was on my way to shoot a wedding in Pensacola. Wow, I love beach weddings.
Anyway, I cannot officially state why WEVA has the policy of not recording the seminars, but I can see the point that making the seminars available to view at a later time could hurt the turnout of Expo. While the sessions have been a very valuable learning experience for me, I have also greatly benefitted from networking with videographers from around the world.
Before going to my first Expo I didn't know a single videographer outside of my local area. Now I am friends with videographers from around the world, many of whom I seek advice and help.
One time I was buying a used PD170 from New Jersey, 1500 miles from Tulsa. The seller lived 30 miles from a videographer friend of mine. The seller drove to their house so my friend could check out the camera for me. That is just one of many examples of friendships I have made by going to the WEVA Expo. In addition to the business advantages of networking, I have truly great friendships as a result of WEVA Expo.
Jon Omiatek August 5th, 2008, 07:14 PM Roll Call, who's going? I would like to meet a few faces behind the names.