View Full Version : Avalon

Andrew Petrie
July 30th, 2003, 06:43 PM
Spoilers below for those who want to see the flic, but haven't yet - go away :)


At the end, when Ash kills Murphy....why are there no other Unreturned players to take out? When she steps out of her game room/cell in Class Real, she walks by numerous other rooms which were from other players who advanced to Real...yet to make it to Avalon, Bishop told her she had to remove all Unreturned from Class Real to become one of them.... but she kills just one, then presumeably 'kills' the Ghost again... ? In any case we're left assuming she joins the Seven Sisters.

Maybe Murphy took out the other Unreturned, but liked his new reality and didn't continue on to Avalon?

I felt the end sequence to be a bit distracting, the opera was nice but it cut to the hall, and trail on during important dialog moments... kinda irked me, and I think killed the climactic momentum.

Otherwise I enjoyed the movie... But can anyone offer some suggestions regarding the ending?

Michael Robinson
July 30th, 2003, 10:03 PM
I agree with your assessments. The ending turned me off, it felt like a bad dramatic soap opera (which can be great if the effect is a comedic...but in this case it wasn't). It had me until the final showdown. I felt the villian (if you can call him that) lacked a lot of character development even though he was the mystery character.

The switch from hyper-real to reality worked surprisingly well...although I did see it coming.

The first half was really beautiful looking in parts...others looked like bad sepia toned video. Very moody.

I'm surprised this hasn't been discussed more (it has been out for a couple of years)...although it is hard to find.

A lot of comparisons to the Matrix, and lots of AE Shatter in it (too much, I think). Word is ILM did the effects for it at a low budget. Interesting premise, though.

Robert Poulton
July 31st, 2003, 01:23 AM
The movie is easy to find if your looking in the right spot. Just go down to your local japanese video shop/toy store. See if they have it. If not just search online there are some great websites for anime and japanese dvds.


Rob Lohman
July 31st, 2003, 04:30 AM
I think the ending was done in the way it was done so you can
make up your own explenation. Basically the movie just doesn't
give you any if I remember correctly. I have the DVD lying here
at home and I'll rewatch it shortly since it has been a while already.

Really liked the movie.