View Full Version : Will Stuck Tape problem REAPPEAR after Repair

David Ruhland
July 23rd, 2008, 05:17 AM
I just had to send out my GL2 to Canon for the infamous stuck tape, and REmove Tape error. I am lucky it is still under warranty. It has less then 10 hours on it. I am just curious for those of you that have had the repair performed by Canon, has the problem re occured. If so, I may be looking to change cameras!

I have a HV30 as a back up and knock on wood, no probs with this camera to date.


David L. Holmes
July 23rd, 2008, 08:20 PM
It's kind of like asking how long will a light bulb last. Yes it will fail again. Maybe in 2 days, maybe in 10 years, but it will fail again. I've owned my GL2 for over 2 years and have never had a problem. Someday I will have this error, and I will deal with the situation when it happens.

From what I've read online, it does appear in cameras that have been exposed to cold weather, then brought indoors and have had condensation form inside the camera. Living in Wisconsin, you could be susceptible to this. Let your camera warm up slowly before using it and you should be fine.

Good luck!!

Don Palomaki
July 24th, 2008, 08:15 PM
A number of years ago I ran into a similar problem with a Canon L2 - the source was a switch in the tape mechanism that was not making good contact, probably the result of minor corrosion on contacts. After repair, it did not recur for the 4 or so years remaining before I switched to DV.