View Full Version : Mid 2008 - What's the scoop on Field recorders?

Chris Swanberg
July 22nd, 2008, 10:22 PM
Audio.... the occasional new mic, or new wireless system, but generally more static in this technologically frenetic world than say, HDV and workflow systems.

The world of field recorders however seems to be moving apace - R44, R4, R4Pro, Fostex LE etc...

Poor Dan Brockett.... with all his terrific comparison reviews, I have been hoping he will use what little daylight he ever has left in a day and help us all out... and maybe in time he will. Meanwhile (and kudos to Dan and was teasing him there) can someone with some info bring us up to speed on where field recording seems to be mid 2008?

Big request I know. All info will be gratefully received. (wink).


Mike Peter Reed
July 23rd, 2008, 01:22 AM
Just generally, and this is a complete guess, I think we'll be seeing manufacturers favour SSD over HDD now that 128GB SSD costs around £300.

I just want Apple to release a multi-touch SSD MacTablet with pre-amps and a shoulder strap and run Boom Recorder on it. Is that too much to ask?

Steve Oakley
July 23rd, 2008, 02:31 PM
you can buy a tablet mac today. they have been out for a while

it would take a entirely new bad design though to put the LT on the top, mixer poking out at the bottom, and route the cables around. would be cool.

but I guess sticking a MOTU 896mk3 in there would be a bit heavy ;)