Rick Newsom
July 22nd, 2008, 11:55 AM
Vegas 8.
I loaded a veg that I have been working on all week and the Pan/Crop button and the Event Effects button are gone on all of the clips on the timeline.
Rebooted, re-loaded the veg, same. Loaded another veg, same.
Is there any way I could have accidentally turned these buttons off?
Andrew Kufahl
July 22nd, 2008, 12:36 PM
Don't know of a way to turn them off. Did you try zooming in on the clips? (I believe the up-arrow key while the timeline has the focus is one method to zoom.)
If you right-click on the clips, are those options available on the context menu that appears?
David Delaney
July 22nd, 2008, 01:41 PM
It might be that the SIZE of the clip (using the + - on the right hand side) is too small. Clip on the + a few times and it will make the clip big enough to fix the FX, Media Generator and Pan/Crop icons
Rick Newsom
July 22nd, 2008, 04:03 PM
No, the size of the clips is not an issue. I have zoomed in to the point that a single track takes up the entire timeline, still, no buttons.
Of course, there are other ways to get to the pan/crop and effects, like through the menus, but it's just a pain, especially on the last day of a project.
Rick Steele
July 22nd, 2008, 04:35 PM
There's a toggle for those things under the "View" menu:
View --> Event Buttons
They're most likely toggled off.
Rick Newsom
July 22nd, 2008, 05:01 PM
Rick Steele, you are the man!
That is exactly what the problem was. I suspect at some point I reached for "ctrl-c" to copy something and inadvertently whacked the "shift" key at the same time. All is well now.
Well, mostly. If all my other antique equipment holds together until I can get 5 more DVDs burned, then I'm on vacation!
Ian Stark
July 23rd, 2008, 01:38 AM
Glad you found the solution.
One other thing it could have been (for others reading this thread) is that any long fade offset envelope on a clip may have obscured the icons.
In this screenshot, the clip on the left shows the icons but the clip on the right has a fade offset envelope that is larger (in proportion to the clip), thus causing the icons to be hidden.
As Andrew suggested, right clicking the clip should then present you with the options for pan/crop and event fx (and generated media properties, where appropriate).