View Full Version : Setting Up New Business

Daniel Fessak
July 22nd, 2008, 10:31 AM
Greetings all...

I am a professional editor in NYC who is fed up dealing with various people in TV and video who think it's OK to pay everyone else other than the editor and think that people can make a living working for free. Therefore I have decided to set up shop and start my own business shooting and editing weddings and sweet sixteens. I have done a few for different people and save samples to show, as well as all the editing and post software I would need.

However, I was wondering if people here would be so kind as to suggest what equipment I would need to get started (mics, lights, cameras, tripods, etc...), as well as which spesific ones they would recommend. I of course would like to get a camera that gives me a greet, crisp, professional quality image, but at this point just starting out, do not want to spend $10,000 on a camera until I see this going anywhere. I have a Canon GL2 camera, but I'm not too crazy about it. Think it might be better as a backup.

Any suggestions?

Matthew Ebenezer
July 22nd, 2008, 09:54 PM
There's heaps of similar threads with some great info on this forum so it'd be definitely worthwhile doing a search.

Camera wise ... the Canon XH-A1 is definitely worth considering. I've got two and they do a great job.




Buba Kastorski
July 23rd, 2008, 11:29 PM
Daniel, to start shooting, GL2 is a good SD camcorder, so if your clients not asking for HD, I can say camera wise you're OK, not perfect, but OK. I can shoot a wedding with HV20, I'll just need a lot more light and HV20 does not look "professional". You'll need to spend some $$$ on lighting and audio setup, get couple (better 3) Lowel tota, remote power switch for them (very helpful); get 20w on camera light smtng like HVL-20DW2 and never turn it off (kidding, but close); you'll need wireless- I'd suggest sennheiser G2, or sony UWP-V6; you'll need a shotgun microphone,
take a look , but don't go crazy, for about $300 you'll get a decent mike. You'll need an XLR adapter for your GL2 (if you don't have one) Canon MA-300 was made for GL2, if not @ Canon you'll find it on ebay; you'll need a good tripod and good tripod dolly, I'd recommend Manfrotto 3067, the bigger wheels on the dolly the better ride; so altogether we're talking couple grand here not 10K. not too bad to start a business :-) (I just guess that you have soft/hard for editing)
as a general advise I can say don't go crazy, but also don't buy cheep stuff, quality equipment will serve you well, plus if for some reason you'll change your mind about being event videographer, you'll still be able to sell it for the good price.
I'm sure you have an idea how and what to shoot on the wedding or other event, but if not,
volunteer as an assistant for couple of jobs, that should give you some experience.
Good luck and I'm sure as a professional editor you'll be a very good cameraman,
hope this helps,