View Full Version : extra 2 frames

Ozan Biron
July 20th, 2008, 10:38 PM

Dis is kinda confusing to explain so bare with me...

I did a test last night capturing and converting HDV files with different quality settings HIGH and FILMSCAN 2 into AVI files.

In after effects i compared HIGH, FILMSCAN2 and the original raw m2t file. I notice with the high and filmscan 2 files... that during converting in HDLINk it has 2 extra
"pre" frames compared to the original m2t file. These "pre" frames are really blocky and crapy looking. By the 3rd frame it clears up and is clean threw out the rest of the clip. I notice that the 3rd frame matches the timing with m2t files. The high and filmscan 2 files start 2 extra frames back.

any ideas?

David Newman
July 21st, 2008, 09:00 AM
That is not common, I haven't seen that is a very long time. What camera did you use (it is camera related.) We convert all the frames our MPEG Decoder sees, it seems the first few frames are bad and we should be ignoring them.

Ozan Biron
July 21st, 2008, 10:53 AM
im using the XHA1... and my prospect is version 3.2.5 build.

The m2t files are fine. nothing wrong with them. The thing i dont understand is my m2t files dont have these 2 extra "pre" frames. But when converted in HDlink to avi files.. where does it get them from? Or how does it do it?

David Newman
July 21st, 2008, 12:24 PM
Your M2Ts like do have those extra frames, Adobe is choosing not to show them -- we are not make this data up, just converting what we are presented. That Prospect build is old, but I doubt that it the issue, as nothing have changed for HDV capture and conversion in a long time.

Ozan Biron
July 21st, 2008, 12:34 PM
ive actually never noticed it before until a did a side by side comparison. Would u think it has anything to do with 24p and 29.97 frame rate stuff during the conversion? Cause the footage with those extra frames was at 60i.

Im going to check quickly with the converted 23.976 footage and compare with the original. See if its the same.

David Newman
July 21st, 2008, 12:42 PM
Not likely 60i vs 24p related.