Tony Spring
July 20th, 2008, 06:14 AM
Here's an example of one of our montages, we prefer to keep them simple and not throw too many effects in. Do you think it needs more flashy stuff?
View Full Version : Is this style of highlights too simple? Tony Spring July 20th, 2008, 06:14 AM Here's an example of one of our montages, we prefer to keep them simple and not throw too many effects in. Do you think it needs more flashy stuff? Paul R Johnson July 20th, 2008, 08:43 AM Not being at all skilled in wedding stuff, and having no idea what current practice is, I quite liked the Black & White and slomo stuff. Personally, I thought it quite nice. Is this kind of thing the norm now? Tony Spring July 21st, 2008, 12:51 AM Pleased you liked it Paul.. It's the norm for us, I think most other people do something more fancy. David Stoneburner July 21st, 2008, 10:43 AM I liked it as well. You let the pictures tell the story instead of putting in a ton of effects. As long as your client is expecting this type of video, then I think you are just fine. When I do weddings, I tell them I do what would be called "documentary" style. I just try to document the event, but I make sure that's what the client expects. I really thought it was nicely done. Kelsey Emuss July 21st, 2008, 11:22 AM very nice! Art Varga July 21st, 2008, 11:31 AM Tony - nice work. Clean, smooth, stable footage. Not sure about the b&w throughout but I see where you were going with it. Maybe a little too much slow mo. No need for more effects but maybe more shot variety. Art Jason Robinson July 21st, 2008, 11:58 AM Here's an example of one of our montages, we prefer to keep them simple and not throw too many effects in. Do you think it needs more flashy stuff? The very first opening title isn't my style. Not that Brides and your customers won't like it, I just don't use animated backgrounds. I also liked the transition to full color on the bride, but I would not have use so much B&W / slow motion footage (unless that is what the bride wanted). I would try a re edit with less of each and show them both to non-videographers and see which ones they like. Our opinion is nice and all, but if professional's opinion was the only thing that mattered, why would lousy movies from Hollywood make hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office, right? The opinion of customers & non-professionals probably matters more than our opinions. Your shots were well framed and with crystal sharp focus, so nice job on the good camera work. Richard Wakefield July 21st, 2008, 12:04 PM it tells a story, it shows the event, it's crystal clear quality... from a business side, it doesn't strike me as having a particular 'style' or anything which sticks out as being overly different from competition, but you are clearly busy with bookings, and you deliver blu-ray, so you don't need to worry one bit! :) so many brides LOVE B+W and request it, carry on i say! Michael Liebergot July 21st, 2008, 02:31 PM Very nice footage, and you have some great closeup expressions from everyone. I think that there was too much B&W as well. Many of those shots looked like they would have been real rich and vibrant in color, this enhancing the clip more. If I personally use B&W at all it's sparingly to create a mood (usually reflective) during the piece. I use it more as a special effect here and there to break up the piece and add a sense of longing. Also, some real time footage mixed in with some natural audio could go a long way with this, to heighten the senses more. All in all though it was a very nice piece. Tony Spring July 22nd, 2008, 01:56 AM Thanks for all the feedback guys! I'll have to try less B&W and slomo, and maybe some live sound too. Matthew Ebenezer July 23rd, 2008, 12:38 AM I thought it was a good solid piece. As Jason said the camera work is spot on - crystal clear! As for improvements, here are my suggestions: - limit the use of cross-dissolves and zooms - go for more straight cuts - maybe a bit less black and white - use B&W as a feature - I've never been a fan of video footage that 'freeze frames' and becomes a photograph - at least you didn't use a camera shutter sound effect ;) The above changes (IMHO) would lend your montages a more contemporary, modern feel. Your footage looks excellent but you could improve upon it in the edit without using any more effects or 'flashy stuff'. Cheers, Matthew. Janice DeMille July 24th, 2008, 07:18 AM Hi, I really enjoyed your highlight. Can you tell me what the name of the song is you used? thanks Vince Baker July 24th, 2008, 10:46 AM I see Digital juice in the first shot? Nice piece, as the others have said it is clean and tells the story in great clarity footage. Tony Spring July 25th, 2008, 12:50 AM Hi, I really enjoyed your highlight. Can you tell me what the name of the song is you used? thanks Hi Janice, it's Luther Vandross - So Amazing Tony Spring July 25th, 2008, 12:53 AM I see Digital juice in the first shot? Nice piece, as the others have said it is clean and tells the story in great clarity footage. Hi Vince, not Digital Juice, it's a Digital Hotcakes background. Oleg Kalyan July 25th, 2008, 01:36 AM Тony, it's nice, well done, conveys the emotions precisely... But yes, it does look pretty simple, still imo simplicity is a plus, it's easy to understand the context of what and how is it happening! I am sure for the couple and their relatives, it's a masterpiece, they are going to love it for sure! Yet, is it a creative statement, a novelty in wedding video? Probably not, many of us strive to produce fresh visual language, using all kinds of means available! Too much slow motion diminishes feeling of aliveness of a wedding, in my personal opinion, otherwise your piece is nice! |