View Full Version : Getting media from memory stick to hard drive

Ron J. Wildhaber
July 16th, 2008, 06:18 PM
I have two VX2100's that I use for wedding work. I am wanting to take photo's (for DVD face and covers) but am not sure how I can transfer them to my hard drive on my computer. Could someone tell me how this is done. Thanks in advance....Ron

Edward Carlson
July 16th, 2008, 09:41 PM
I assume you mean from the Memory Stick in your camera. You can plug your camera in with USB (check the manual for what setting to turn it to, probably card playback) or you could use an external card reader. The card reader won't tie up your camera, and you can get ones with multiple slots for different kinds of cards. The card should just show up on your desktop (Mac) or under My Computer (Windows.) Then it works just like a hard drive. You can copy the pictures off of the card onto your computer.

Mike Rehmus
July 16th, 2008, 10:20 PM
You really won't like the quality of the photo when you try and use it on the cover or the DVD. The max resolution is 720 pixels which, if you really try to stretch it, will give you a decent 2.5-2 inch image IF the subject takes up the full frame.

Even a phone camera will give you a better picture. Take a reasonable digital camera with you and snap a couple of shots when you can. You will like the results much better.

Ron J. Wildhaber
July 17th, 2008, 08:37 AM
In the past I have sometimes used frame grabs from the video and put the image on disc with Lightscribe and this worked quite well but was always better when I used a digital camera. I carry so much stuff (usually in a Swat style vest)and was wanting to cut down the load but if you think the quality will not be that good I will continue to use my camera which is only a 2 megapixel. Thanks Ron