View Full Version : Sony XDCAM Browser 2.0 Released!!

Torv Carlsen
July 16th, 2008, 10:46 AM
Sony's updated version of the XDCAM Browser software, 2.0, has been released and is available for immediate downloading.

Steven Thomas
July 16th, 2008, 11:02 AM
LOL, thanks man, but you're a day late. Bill posted this Yesterday in the thread just below yours.

Torv Carlsen
July 16th, 2008, 11:10 AM
Yeah, I realize that now. The only thing is that his headline doesn't indicate that it is released. I thought there needed to be some clarification, not that I'd want to one-up Bill!

Matt Davis
July 17th, 2008, 06:43 AM
This may be one of the pitfalls of today's 'copy & paste' culture that neglects to read boiler plate, but even the briefest cursory glance showed up the following:

"You may not use this software for any commercial purpose"

Really? Message to Sony:

If I can't shoot a building or an event 'for any commercial purpose' then it could be argued I can't use this software for any commercial purpose. If legal boilerplate is to carry any weight at all, then it needs to be carefully crafted.

Sure, I'll still use it if it works. But with clauses like that, should we bother with legal disclaimers?

George Kroonder
July 17th, 2008, 10:12 AM
"You may not use this software for any commercial purpose"


Check out the EX3 manual pages 151/152. No such limitation mentioned in the EX1 manual though...


Ted OMalley
July 17th, 2008, 12:24 PM
Check out the EX3 manual pages 151/152. No such limitation mentioned in the EX1 manual though...


Where can I download the manual? I can't find it on Sony's site.

George Kroonder
July 17th, 2008, 01:55 PM
Check CH's sticky post: XDCAM EX series brochures and operator manual downloads (


Dave Morrison
July 17th, 2008, 02:07 PM
I'm a little confused by the two Explorer windows on v2.0. Can someone explain the difference for me?

Ted OMalley
July 17th, 2008, 02:40 PM
This may be one of the pitfalls of today's 'copy & paste' culture that neglects to read boiler plate, but even the briefest cursory glance showed up the following:

"You may not use this software for any commercial purpose"

Really? Message to Sony:

If I can't shoot a building or an event 'for any commercial purpose' then it could be argued I can't use this software for any commercial purpose. If legal boilerplate is to carry any weight at all, then it needs to be carefully crafted.

Sure, I'll still use it if it works. But with clauses like that, should we bother with legal disclaimers?

I'm no attorney (thanks to some good sense, morals, and a desire to be creative with things other than the law), but after reading this and visiting, it seems pretty clear.

We can use our cameras and clip software and editing systems to shoot, compose, render and produce all the web and DVD material we want. We just can't sell anything or use it to promote our business or another business. My understanding (and I may have gotten this completely wrong) is that manufacturers and devolopers of equipment such as the EX3 and the Clip Browser software were required to license the MPEG codecs in use - both encoding and decoding. Licensing them requires royalties to be paid based on a number of variables. And (this is where I'm most unsure) in an effort to reduce those costs, Sony has selected a royalty level that is based on consumer use rather than the higher level commercial use.

So, I think I'll drink a couple of beers tonight in celebration of my going out of business and becoming simply a consumer, no longer charging for my work. My clients will love the new pricing. No more paperwork or taxes to fuss with. Before long, not even a mortgage to concern myself with. Boy, this is really going to simplify life!

Attila Cser
July 18th, 2008, 10:25 PM

Could someone confirm that the SD downconverted clip via browser 2.0 will be featuring the original parameters, such as:
progressive clips remain progressive?

Greg Boston
July 18th, 2008, 10:45 PM
I'm a little confused by the two Explorer windows on v2.0. Can someone explain the difference for me?

It opens up additional possibilities such as filling a card with a compilation of clips from various other cards. We demonstrated this ability in the EX workflow pavilion at NAB.


Paul Newman
July 19th, 2008, 06:36 AM
Can anyone confirm:

I'm getting only 4:3 options to downconvert to DV in CB2 and no options for codecs - is this an xml edit job to build new templates or am I missing the obvious?


Francois Dormoy
July 19th, 2008, 09:00 PM
I just downloaded the updated version of the XDCAM EX Browser.
I found more choice of exporting the original mp4 file in various formats. When I tried the Windows WMV format I get on the screen a commecial logo " Main Concept" and I cant get rid of it. Does that mean that I have to spend money to get rid of it. I have not seen any request to register any product !!

George Kroonder
July 20th, 2008, 02:42 AM
Does that mean that I have to spend money to get rid of it. I have not seen any request to register any product !!

It's in the manual (as well as it being mentioned in the other CB2 thread). But here it is: MainConcept Conversion Packs,
Plug-In for Sony Clip Browser 2.0 (


Bob Grant
July 20th, 2008, 06:55 AM
Roughly USD 450 for the two codec packs and I can't find any details on the licencing. At that price a Vegas 8 licence seems like a bargain.

George Kroonder
July 20th, 2008, 07:17 AM
Roughly USD 450 for the two codec packs and I can't find any details on the licencing. At that price a Vegas 8 licence seems like a bargain.

How do you mean Bob? When you buy the plug-in(s) you're licensed and can use the features in CB2 without watermark.

If you had to buy the Mainconcept MPEG2, H.264 and VC1 codecs separately, you'd be out ~$1500 if I'm not mistaken.


Greg Boston
July 20th, 2008, 08:06 AM
I'm getting only 4:3 options to downconvert to DV in CB2 and no options for codecs - is this an xml edit job to build new templates or am I missing the obvious?

If the codec only supports 4:3, you won't get any options in the selector box. If your conversion choice supports widescreen, there is an options panel to open where you'll get a choice of how to output it.

I'm going from memory at the moment.


John Peterson
July 20th, 2008, 04:12 PM
How do you mean Bob? When you buy the plug-in(s) you're licensed and can use the features in CB2 without watermark.

If you had to buy the Mainconcept MPEG2, H.264 and VC1 codecs separately, you'd be out ~$1500 if I'm not mistaken.


Bob means that the codecs are included with Vegas 8 at a reasonable price unlike the promos for companies like Main Concept embedded in the "free" Clip Browser from Sony with the watermarked "teaser advertisements" to lure one into overpaying for a "codec".


Bob Grant
July 20th, 2008, 04:26 PM
How do you mean Bob? When you buy the plug-in(s) you're licensed and can use the features in CB2 without watermark.

If you had to buy the Mainconcept MPEG2, H.264 and VC1 codecs separately, you'd be out ~$1500 if I'm not mistaken.


I'm assuming that many users would want to install the clip browser on more than one computer, say a laptop and their desktop edit system. Quite possibly what they'd want to install it on could be fluid as well. The base clip browser is free so no problem with it but if you come to rely on the optional codec packs things might be different.

Vegas Pro 8 ships with all those MC codecs apart from the VC1 codec. The Vegas licence permits an unlimited number of installs, you're only limited to it being used by one user at a time. I should however be very specific here, the codecs installed with Vegas are only accessible within Vegas. To get the same functionality you'd need to take the mxf from the clip browser into Vegas and render for iPod or PSP etc. The clip browser could not access the codecs installed by the Vegas install.

Paul Kellett
July 24th, 2008, 03:09 AM
I'm using clip browser V2, via the sony card reader and usb.
The copying process for an 8gb card takes around 7 mins, or 3 mins on my laptop with scs card slot.
However, the rewrapping of a full 8gb card is taking around 25 mins via sony card reader and sxs slot on laptop, the clips are spanning 2 cards so could this be the reason.
I don't remember clip browser V1 taking this long.

I wish the vegas update would hurry up so that no rewrapping is needed.

Also, i'm doing a shoot for a client this weekend, he'll be on location with a portable hard-drive to take footage straight off me, he's using premiere pro, will my footage need rewrapping to mxf ?


Paul Kellett
July 24th, 2008, 03:14 AM
When i remove an sxs card and insert a new card, with V1, in the explorer window, i could click on another folder then click on the sxs card again and clip browser would be updated with the footage from the new card. V2 doesn't do that, i have to close and reopen V2.


Keith Malone
July 26th, 2008, 03:26 AM
I'm using clip browser V2, via the sony card reader and usb.
The copying process for an 8gb card takes around 7 mins, or 3 mins on my laptop with scs card slot.
However, the rewrapping of a full 8gb card is taking around 25 mins via sony card reader and sxs slot on laptop, the clips are spanning 2 cards so could this be the reason.
I don't remember clip browser V1 taking this long.

I'm experiencing the same problem with speed. It is taking 2 or 3 times longer to "export" clips from v2 than it took with v1.1

Although v2 has a nicer GUI, it is a waste of my time using this version when clips transfer in a fraction of a time using v1.1

I'm planning on removing v2 until the problem is resolved. Unfortunately, the install of v2 completely overwrites the install of previous versions instead of going into a new separate folder.

Does anybody have a link from where I can download v1.1 again?


PS. By the way Paul, I don't think it has anything to do with clips spanning across cards. I've noticed the slowdown on cards with non-spanning clips. V2 is consistently slow on transfer.

John Peterson
July 26th, 2008, 12:12 PM
Does anybody have a link from where I can download v1.1 again?

Try here:


Keith Malone
July 27th, 2008, 03:22 AM
Thanks for that John but it seems from the filesize that your link points to version 2 i.e. the version that seems to take twice as long to transfer clips! I've since sourced a previous version elsewhere.

I'm going to move the subtopic of "slow version 2" to a separate thread because the issue is not really being highlighted here.

Craig Seeman
July 27th, 2008, 08:57 AM

Thanks for that John but it seems from the filesize that your link points to version 2 i.e. the version that seems to take twice as long to transfer clips! I've since sourced a previous version elsewhere.

I'm going to move the subtopic of "slow version 2" to a separate thread because the issue is not really being highlighted here.

Craig Seeman
July 27th, 2008, 09:01 AM
My biggest gripe is how the Copy All command now works.

In Clip Browser 1, when you used Copy All you were able to choose the folder in the popup dialogue box. In Clip Browser 2 you have to set or change that in Preferences.

I'd really wish I could create a new folder in the 2nd Explorer Windows and set that as a destination for a given copy. Now I have to go back to preferences to select a new folder for each Copy All. Major pain IMHO.

Tom Roper
July 27th, 2008, 07:08 PM
My biggest gripe is how the Copy All command now works.

In Clip Browser 1, when you used Copy All you were able to choose the folder in the popup dialogue box. In Clip Browser 2 you have to set or change that in Preferences.

I'd really wish I could create a new folder in the 2nd Explorer Windows and set that as a destination for a given copy. Now I have to go back to preferences to select a new folder for each Copy All. Major pain IMHO.

Unless I'm not understanding you, it sounds like you are making it too difficult.

1.) From the destination window, Right click on the tree, choose "new folder," and name it.
2.) From the source window, Right click to choose "select all."
3.) Drag the files from the source window to the destination window.

Craig Seeman
July 27th, 2008, 08:14 PM
I don't like drag and drop when copying master files from SxS to folder. It's too risky to miss a clip IMHO.

ClipBrowser1 had a dialogue box popup to select the folder. ClipBrowser2 forces you back into Preferences.