View Full Version : Quicktime 7.5 any issues?

Ryan Anstey
July 16th, 2008, 07:44 AM
I have been a member of this board for a while, and while not posting I have gained an amazing amount of insight into this camera.

Difficulties started with the Quicktime 7.4 upgrade. The existing files I was working with in imovie06 would no longer play. To solve that issue I used pacifist and downgraded to 7.3. Everything has been working great since January 2008.

Now I see that there is a Quicktime 7.4 out. Does anyone use it & are there any known issues with imovie06.



Steve Mullen
July 16th, 2008, 01:18 PM
Now I see that there is a Quicktime 7.5 out. Does anyone use it & are there any known issues with imovie06.
The last few years Apple iMHO has a terrible record of releasing working software -- like 10.5 and QT. So I decided to stick with 10.4.11 and 7.3.1.

The problem is that Apple now has iTunes pushing QT primarily for DRM. Since I've got zero interest in buying media from Apple -- I never ever use iTunes.

So unless you need iTunes, I'd wait for the whole iPhone introduction to pass. Maybe 7.6? My rule, never mess with a working system. :)

Ryan Mueller
July 24th, 2008, 10:28 PM
Just as a confirmation, I figured that Apple had to have fixed the 10 min. render issue by now so I let it update to 7.5. They fixed the error issue alright, but now AE just crashes. Switching back to 7.3 again.