View Full Version : Genarts Sapphire Plugins...who has' em for PP CS3?

Craig Lieberman
July 15th, 2008, 11:48 PM
Just curious...who has them and are they working for yo? I had a trial version and some freaky things were going on....I'd put in the effect and an hour later, the clip wouldn't play. It worked fine in After Effects, but before I blow a wad (I'm just a small, small time producer), I want to be sure they work as advertised. When they WERE working, they were SUPERBand I REALLY want the software.

I have Boris Continnum Complete, and those plug ins are great, but Sapphire brings a whole new level of possibilities.

Mark Kang
August 5th, 2008, 08:42 PM
I had a trial version, they are very buggy.