View Full Version : Google cookies blocked by privacy setting...

Chris Soucy
July 13th, 2008, 08:06 PM
I've just discovered that my privacy settings (very much default) are blocking the cookies being loaded with the new Google function (and did that take some tracking down!).

I don't know how important they are to you, Chris or to DVinfo, or even if you know they're there (as if!).

I assume they're being used to track the use of the new Google function and nothing else, if so, I'll kick the door open for them.

If they are kosher, it may be worth putting out an "all points bulletin", as it could mean a great many other machines could be doing likewise, thus rendering their use pretty meaningless.

For those who haven't a clue what I'm talking about, if, when a DVinfo page loads on your screen, you see a tiny eye with a red circle and a bar through, waaay down on the bottomish, rightish of your screen, your privacy settings have kicked in.

Double clicking on it will show what cookies, from whom, are blocked.

For refence, I'm on XP SP3 and IE7.

Stay tuned to this channel for news as it happens..........


Chris Hurd
July 13th, 2008, 08:30 PM
That's just the Google Analytics script. Every major forum site similar to this one uses it.

Google Analytics provides us not only with traffic data which lets us know how often and where our visits come from, but also useful metrics such as browser versions and screen resolutions, etc. which help us to properly shape the look of the site to provide a better experience for our visitors. There's nothing diabolical about it, and *every* large forum that takes itself seriously is also using Google Analytics. Hope this helps,

Chris Soucy
July 13th, 2008, 09:55 PM
You have reinforced my wife's contention that I am, without doubt, the most unobservant male on the planet.