View Full Version : Need back-up cam ASAP!

Darin Boville
July 10th, 2008, 10:34 AM
Last night my HC7 went al weird on me--would focus (it tried but could never get a sharp image--it just got less blurry).

Finally figured out that tapping hard on the flip out screen again and again, vibrating the camera, would get it to work again. But that's not reliable. I shoot local government meetings and can't have teh camera going bonkers for 40 minutes at a stretch (ie last night!).

So I need a back-up camera and I need it by Tuesday!

Aside from the HC-9 is there anything out there that is widescreen (DV or HDV), has a Lanc port and a headphone jack? I hate to spent $1000 on a new cam since I get paid for very few of these meetings (community journalism stuff).

On the other hand is it better to just buy a nice used FX-1 or V1 and get it over with?



Dave Blackhurst
July 10th, 2008, 11:57 AM
Sounds like there's a mechanical problem, but you might try the reset switch, should be a tiny little button very poorly marked (not intended for regular use. IIRC it's in the LCD recess, but it's been a while since I had the HC7/9...). MAYBE you'll get lucky and it's somehow software related (although the percussive maintenance indicates mech.).

And as for a replacement, the HC9 is it with those specs, unless you transition to tapeless (SR11/12) and you'd also run into needing to adapt the LANC.

Darin Boville
July 10th, 2008, 02:23 PM
Thanks, Dave.

I just ordered a new HC9 from B&H ($899) and the C wide angle (tired of waiting for the Y version)...


