View Full Version : I need help with audio output

Ewald Hayward
July 29th, 2003, 04:56 AM
I have recorded video and audio using Sennheiser radio mics using the Stereo 2 setting - ie the onboard mic and then the radio mics connected to Audio 2.
I now want to capture the video using Pinnacle Edition software and FireWire. The problem is that I can capture either Stereo 1 sound or Stereo 2 sound but not both as I have recorded it. There is a setting in Edtion which "enables channel 3 and 4" but with this enabled, Stereo 1 is disabled and does not capture at all. Stereo 2 sound then captures correctly at full volume.
How do I capture via FireWire to have all 4 tracks available?? Urgent help will be appreciated!!

Nathan Gifford
July 29th, 2003, 10:34 AM
You may not be able to capture all 4-tracks simultaneously on a Windows machine (probably OK on Mac).

I am not familar with your NLE package. Normally, you just capture the pairs of track (Stereo 1 and then Stereo 2). Then you mix the tracks to the main track and output to the camcorder. At least that's what I do with CS.

Ewald Hayward
July 29th, 2003, 12:32 PM
Thanks Nathan, but that seems a hassle doesn't it? What if I in future record using stereo 1 ie. using the onboard mic and the radio mics on Audio 1. I know that when using Audio 1, the onboard mic is cut out, but if using headphones (like one usually does), it should be possible to switch between the onboard mic and the radio mics.
Again, Canon seems to be "different". I know of someone with a Sony PD100 who uses the same editing software as I do, and he captures all 4 tracks. Some of the tracks will then be empty, which he just deletes.
Thanks for your input.

Don Palomaki
July 29th, 2003, 06:58 PM
Some NLE's can capture all four channels in one pass, many cannot. I do not know about the Pinnacle products. It is not a Windows vs. MAC thing, it relates to the capture drivers of the software you have.

What some people do is capture the Audio 2 using analog Audio 2 output using their sound card and then sync in post.

Mark A. Foley
August 5th, 2003, 11:53 AM
Scenalyzer ( works real well for capturing 4 too!....