Scott Delish
July 8th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Anyone know how you can get high camera angles in the forest/woods without having a jibb of sorts? I don't really wanna risk the safety of my equipment to climb in a tree.
View Full Version : High camera angles without jibb? Scott Delish July 8th, 2008, 06:58 PM Anyone know how you can get high camera angles in the forest/woods without having a jibb of sorts? I don't really wanna risk the safety of my equipment to climb in a tree. Terry Shaw July 14th, 2008, 02:20 PM Hi Scott, The only thing that comes to me at the moment is a tree stand, the kind used for deer hunting. Terry Owen Dawe July 15th, 2008, 07:42 PM If you want to get high angle shots there is only one solution. Get the camera high. There will always be an element of risk. The simple solution would be to lean an extension ladder on a tree or strong branch. Make sure you are on level ground. Climb up first without the camera and secure the top of the ladder by rope to the tree. Have a second person on the ground holding the ladder. Climb up with your camera, brace yourself and get the shot. There is also a harness available that lumberworkers use to tie yourself to the tree. A bit of practice would be needed before you try it with a camera. |