View Full Version : Considering the PMW-EX3...

Larry Huntington
July 8th, 2008, 03:03 PM
Currently I have 2 Canon XH-A1's and I tossing the idea around the upgrade to the Sony PMW-EX3 (selling the Canon's) based on Phillip Bloom's review and my needs for a better viewfinder, tapeless acquisition, and interchangeable lenses:

I'm not going to jump the gun on any purchases now, but I wanted anybody's 2 cents on
my notion to sell the A1's for the EX3. The major downfall is loosing 1 camera, but at this point I want a camera that has a real viewfinder and I like the design/features the EX3 has to offer.


Jon Braeley
July 9th, 2008, 07:26 AM
I had the chance to spend 30 minutes with the EX3 recently at my local dealer.

The view finder alone is worth the switch IMHO. Critical focus work in HD almost always means an external monitor - not an option for me, as I shoot in mostly hostile places and mountainous regions.
Also, I think many of the EX1 problems we have seen - flaking paint, back focus issues, etc, will have been fixed on the EX3, so it's not like you will be buying into brand new technology. I would say go ahead wiht no hesitation.

Larry Huntington
July 9th, 2008, 01:46 PM
Thanks Jon. Were is your local dealer? I want to get my hands on one to see how I like it.
Was there any other "ooo's and ahhh's that stand out?

Ted OMalley
July 14th, 2008, 04:19 PM

I wish I had more to tell you now, but I'm standing in line, waiting on my new EX3 to ship. I chose to sell my pair of JVC HD100's in order to purchase it. Fingers crossed...

Larry Huntington
July 14th, 2008, 04:24 PM
Thanks Ted,
Let us know how you like the camera when you get it!

Steven Thomas
July 14th, 2008, 04:29 PM

I wish I had more to tell you now, but I'm standing in line, waiting on my new EX3 to ship. I chose to sell my pair of JVC HD100's in order to purchase it. Fingers crossed...

Congrats Ted!
I'm sure the EX3 will be awesome, afterall, all of us here EX1 beta testers made sure of that. ;) LOL