View Full Version : F350 / F355 Slow Motion

Steve Phillipps
July 7th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Anyone know why the overcranking on the F350 is half the bit rate of standard shooting? Sounds so counter-intuitive, you'd think it would need more as there's more data per second. So even if it only stayed the same you'd expect a drop in quality, but halving the bit rate - why?
Just got my hands on an F350, and the slomo looks smooth, and the quality looks decent, but I had heard comments about it being hard to distinguish it from the normal speed stuff, and frankly that's nonsense! I can see the difference clearly even on an SD TV set! Still looks pretty good though - kind of like the difference between 1080 and 720 on an HDX500 I once used.

Alister Chapman
July 7th, 2008, 04:46 PM
in effect when you shoot at 50p you are recording 50 frames per second at 35mbps, but the material is flagged to playback at 25fps so you only use half of the 35mbps 50 frames per second which is 17.5mbps.

Greg Boston
July 8th, 2008, 03:54 PM
in effect when you shoot at 50p you are recording 50 frames per second at 35mbps, but the material is flagged to playback at 25fps so you only use half of the 35mbps 50 frames per second which is 17.5mbps.

The vertical resolution is halved to 540 when overcranking beyond 30 fps.
