Jason Wood
July 28th, 2003, 03:58 PM
Would anyone happen to know if there is somewhere in Houston that offers Avid (Media Composer and Xpress), Final Cut Pro, and/or After Effects training?
View Full Version : Avid, FCP, and After Effects training in Houston? Jason Wood July 28th, 2003, 03:58 PM Would anyone happen to know if there is somewhere in Houston that offers Avid (Media Composer and Xpress), Final Cut Pro, and/or After Effects training? thanks. Josh Bass July 28th, 2003, 04:31 PM Houston Community College should have some classes like these. The one at 610 and Westpark or thereabouts just started an after effects class not to long ago, and I also took FCP there. They did Avid at the Stafford Campus. Don't know if any of this is still going on. The classes run for a semester (however long that is) and will run you 160-180 bucks each. Don't know if they'll just let you in if you're not on a degree program or any of that, but if you talk to the head of whatever department it is that teaches it, you might get a special exception. The fact that you're not a waste of space trying to get your communications degree so you can party and flip burgers (like most of the college age students that pass through those classes) might impress them. |