View Full Version : 32K Audio Being Captured

March 13th, 2002, 07:37 AM
I use Vegas Video 3.0a to capture and edit video. My two XL1s cameras are setup to record at 16bit audio. However, after I capture the video from both cameras to my computer, the video clips indicate 32K audio rather than 48K. I belive the Vegas Video capture utility is causing this because I remember testing the Scenalyzer demo and remember it captured 48K (or maybe it was 44.1K).

Anyhow, I just want to be sure I haven't missed a setting on the XL1s to ensure it is recording and transferring 16bit, 48K audio. My understanding is I configure the XL1s for either 12bit or 16bit audio only, right?


March 13th, 2002, 07:39 AM
Oh yeah, here is my config:

Canon XL1s camcorder
Dell 4300 Computer
Windows XP Professional
Vegas Video 3.0a
Adapted 1394 card

Thanks again,

Rob Lohman
March 13th, 2002, 08:07 AM
If you have the XL1S setup todo 4 channel (2 stereo) recording
it will use 32 khz instead of 48 khz.... What mode have you
setup your camera?

March 13th, 2002, 08:16 AM
2 channel. The display on the outside of the XL1s says 16bit if I remember right.
