View Full Version : Privacy Policy?

Chris Soucy
July 6th, 2008, 01:38 AM
I'm almost afraid to post this, but feel I have to.

Having posted at length here,

1. It suddenly occured to me (in light of Googles sudden decision to come clean on providing info to the US govt) that the same question needed to be asked and answered here.

2. What, exactly, is DVinf'os privacy policy?

3. I'm not going to go into the detailed questions this requires (if you don't know, you're living under a rock) but I think something DVinfo needs to address.

4. If there is no policy, what can posters expect?

5. Where is this data going? Etc, etc, etc.

6. If you are bound by a Govt. gag, tell us (unless, of course, the gag says you can't say).

7. Do we take it that "no comment" means that everything posted on DVinfo (inluding home details) is grist for the Govt. mill?

8. Paranoid? Moi? Of course.


Boyd Ostroff
July 6th, 2008, 07:34 AM
Hi Chris. In the process of upgrading the site, Chris still has a few loose ends to tie up and one of them is reactivating our "policy" link. I'm sure he will respond when he gets a chance, but in the meantime here is the privacy info:

Our Policy Regarding Individual Privacy

Rest assured that as long as I'm in control of the message boards, your personal information such as your name, mailing address, and e-mail info will never be sold, given away or otherwise distributed to anyone... not to our sponsors; not to anybody. DV Info Net uses internal links that keep your e-mail address out of view while still allowing other members to email you. Your e-mail address will NOT be visible to them. The only reason why we all use our real name here is to insure that all of the material posted within is up-front, honest, good natured and well intended. Anonymity would be counter-productive to this mission; therefore it's simply not allowed.

Additional policy info is available here:

Chris Hurd
July 6th, 2008, 08:47 AM
I haven't had my first cup of the day yet, and there's company in the house (this is a big holiday weekend for the U.S., but it also tends to be celebrated in Texas), but here's the gist of it:

1. This site is very well indexed by Google -- that's considered a measure of success and popularity.

2. I'll never sell private data such as email addresses, etc.

3. Our real-names-only policy is firm, but use your own discretion regarding street addresses, phone numbers, etc. In my opinion it's not a good idea to post private phone numbers, but business phone numbers can certainly be helpful for business purposes.

A lot of this is just common sense, or to me it seems like it should be anyway, but if a revised privacy policy is called for, then I'll make it happen. Hope this helps,