View Full Version : Newtek SpeedEDIT -short cut to editing MP4 clips

Jenny Lehman
July 5th, 2008, 06:02 PM
I found a shortcut to edit the Sony EX1's raw MP4 media clips in SpeedEDIT.

NOTE: SpeedEDIT can edit the raw MP4 clips. But using the Sony Clip Browser put each clip in it's own seperate folder, requiring extensive time to open each folder to copy the clips one at a time.


-Put your SxS card in card reader.

-Open Explore (right click on the Start button). Do this twice so you have two windows open. Create a new folder for your MP4 media.

-Right Click on the BPVA folder in the reader drive and open Search.

-Type in *MP4 and search.

-Copy all MP4 files to your new media folder.

-Start editing in Speed Edit. SpeedEDIT will edit raw MP4 files.

I hope this Shortcut will help others searching for a faster way to get your MP4 clips to your timeline.

Greg Hawkes
July 6th, 2008, 01:21 AM

I have looked at Speed Edit from time to time.

How long have you used it? and what sort of length projects do you work on.

Any major criticisms of Speed Edit?

Jenny Lehman
July 6th, 2008, 01:58 AM

I have looked at Speed Edit from time to time.

How long have you used it? and what sort of length projects do you work on.

Any major criticisms of Speed Edit?

I have had it for a year and a half and love it. I was looking for Fast & Easy and this is the fastest and easiest of the NLE systems IMO. No criticisms. My project lengths are from 15 to 120 minutes in length. I average around 100+ GB of media shot per project.

Greg Hawkes
July 6th, 2008, 06:55 AM
Thank sounds good.

Are you editing with XP or Vista?

How much ram?

Jenny Lehman
July 6th, 2008, 09:13 AM

I had it custom made 18 months ago by Blaine at Video Hardware Services Here is my computer specs:

Intel 5000x Chipset-(6)USB 2.0 -1333 FSB-(8) Port SATAII-PCIe-PCIX
CPU: Dual Intel XEON 5150 Dual Core 1333 FSB 4MB
Case: Black Workstation Tower - 800W PS - (8) SATA-II Bays
System RAM: 2GB (4x 512MB DDR2-533 FB ECC REG)
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce FX7600GT 256MB DVI/DVI PCI-e
System Drive: 500GB SATA-II 7200RPM (ST3500630AS)
Spare Drive: 500GB SATA-II 7200RPM (ST3500630AS)
Video Drive: 500GB SATA-II 7200RPM (ST3500630AS)
NLE: SpeedEDIT v1.0
Optical Drive: Sony DRU-830a Dual Layer DVD Recorder 16X - QTY: 2
Power Protection: CyberPower 1500 w/ LCD (CP1500AVRLCD)
Monitors: Samsung 22225BW LCD Monitor Black (225BWBLACK) - QTY: 2
(1680x 1050) Wide Screen format (better for Vista and HD)
NLE: SpeedEDIT v1.0
OS: Windows XP Pro (Dual Boot)
Features: Norton Save & Restore - Custom Training DVD
DreamCARE Standard Hardware Warranty and Support - 1 Year (STD1YR)

Mark Williams
July 6th, 2008, 09:41 AM
I would love to try speed edit but there is no trial download. This is a business mistake on thier part. I have contacted the company and they advised that I could get a copy from a vendor. I contacted a vendor and no results. This could be a fantastic product but most of us will never know for sure

Jenny Lehman
July 6th, 2008, 10:27 AM
I agree. I saw a demo at a trade show and spoke to several friends that had it and loved it.

Try posting on their forum and ask if anyone in Atlanta would be willing to let you try theirs out. Maybe you can visit someone and try it out.

I think it's one of the best kept secrets in fast and easy editing. I had been editing with Media 100 since 1996 and didn't want to leave it until I found sometimes as fast and easy, SpeedEDIT fits my needs.