John Moon
July 5th, 2008, 02:50 PM
Very fun couple. I hate calling these love stories but not sure what else to call for suggestions. This was shot with 2 Canon A1's with Panalook preset. Filmed at one of my favorite wine bars / art gallery. Some color grading done with MB. Mixed in some footage from their engagement shoot.
Video was shown at the reception.
Current post on our blog.
Tom Sessions
July 6th, 2008, 03:19 AM
I personnaly like the interview/reinactment type love stories. But in this one, your wide camera had too much head room. I would have used the other camera hand held and did some close up shots of the bride's hands when she was talking. She likes to use her hands to talk with. Maybe some real tight shots of her face as well thown in the mix. The beauty of a two camera shoot like this is that you can litteraly sit on a shot until it happens. For example, the bride will always talk about her ring in these interviews. So, when she starts talking about it, go real tight on the ring finger and sit on it until you are satisfied with the shot that you will use in the edit.
Just my 2 cents.
John Moon
July 6th, 2008, 06:25 AM
Thanks Tom...I totally agree.