View Full Version : Pinnacle Pro One Information

Darrell Sullivan
July 28th, 2003, 06:52 AM
I was wondering if anyone familiar with the Pinnacle ProOne line could tell me if the only difference between the ProOne product and the ProOne RTDV is that the RTDV version outputs to DV through the firewire in real time. If I am correct, both versions will output to NTSC in real time and there is no difference between MPG I & II performance on them.

I am just trying to decide whether or not to spend the extra money on the RTDV product since the only output I am creating would be DVD and VHS so I am not sure why I would need to spend the extra $300 for the RTDV.

Also, can anyone tell me if this product would be a good choice for editing wedding videography?

Thanks for the help.

Nigel Moore
July 28th, 2003, 06:55 AM

I can't help you with either question (although my guess for the latter would be 'yes'), but if you're planning to use Adobe Premiere and might be interested in upgrade paths, you should be aware that Pinnacle have abandonned future support for Premiere. AFAIK they will continue to support 6.5 and below, but Pro and above will not be supported.

Just FYI.

Adrian Douglas
July 28th, 2003, 08:15 AM
Nigel is right, Pinnacle are phasing out their DV500 and Pro One lines in favour of Edition based packages. You might want to look alone those lines before purchasing the Pro One.

Paul Tauger
July 28th, 2003, 11:37 AM
The ProOne will no longer support Premiere, meaning you'll be stuck, permanently, at Premiere 6.5 -- it won't work in 7.0.

Mike Rehmus
July 28th, 2003, 05:59 PM
And when Pinnacle drops support, they REALLY drop support.

Robert Mann Z.
July 28th, 2003, 11:01 PM
do not BUY this product, it has bugs that will not be fixed...

Ed Smith
July 29th, 2003, 11:51 AM
The only difference between them is that you get real-time DV output from the Pro One RTDV. I had not realised that Pinnacle was stopping upgrades on Adobes products.

For another option try Matrox RTX 100 Extreme. Its a very nice bit of kit although needs a really fast PC to work its best. It has all the same kind of features as the PRo One but will be supported by Premiere Pro.

Hope this helps,


Gary Bettan
July 29th, 2003, 12:35 PM
As has been pointed out - Pro_One RTDV will not be supported for Premiere 7. Pinnacle has a new software called Edition. It has all of the cool real-time 3D transitions & FX of Pro-One.

You should definitely check out Edition. We've got a hands on review of it on our website

If you want a great Premiere Pro solution - RTX100 Xtreme includes a FREE upgrade to Premeire Pro. Matrox did a great job on the RTX100 and its gotten even better with the Xtreme drivers. I did a hands on review of RTX100 when it first shipped as well


Adrian Douglas
July 29th, 2003, 07:54 PM

Whats the deal with Pinnacle and their 55 day/ $55 Edition upgrade. I have a DV500/Premiere and applied for their upgrade. I got an initial e-mail saying I would be sent a second e-mail telling me how to get the upgrade but still haven't seen hide nor hair of the second e-mail. That was about a month ago. Does this offer actually exist or is it just more Pinnacle marketing crap?

Gary Bettan
July 29th, 2003, 09:09 PM
I believe Pinnacle just started shipping them. It is a 100% Pinnacle prgram. No dealers are involved.


Adrian Douglas
July 29th, 2003, 09:19 PM
Guess I'll just have to wait then. Thanks for the quick reply