View Full Version : animate stereographic images using After Effects camera?

Davis Moore
July 4th, 2008, 02:03 PM
I'm not interested in producing an anaglyph.. I want to take a stereographic image, and combine the 2 to be recognized in 3d space by After Effect's camera. Then I want to pan and zoon with the camera to animate the picture in 2d.

Does anyone know if this is possible? I've researched it and can't find any info.
Thanks -

Tim Dashwood
July 4th, 2008, 03:12 PM
That sounds like expensive spatial-recognition software. I'm not sure if anything like this exists as an AE plugin.

Giroud Francois
July 4th, 2008, 05:32 PM
the problem is the stereographic picture (and not 3D as often assimilated) is not really 3D.
it is some deepness effect added from a particular point of view.
so if you move the point of view, you loose the "3D" effect .
even some 3D reconstruction software using Infrared level (the brighter , the closer) cannot give you real 3D.
What you can do is to build a full panoramic picture (a "bubble" , very common in Virtual Reality software) so you can pan and zoom inside.
That is pretty easy with static picture, but very difficult (reasonably) with moving picture.
Some other softwares allow to reconstruct some 3D (like buildings) by mapping photographic surfaces on simple volumes.
These volumes are rebuilt from different views of the same object (face, profile). and again it works well for picture and almost not for video.