View Full Version : Features Shot With The EX1

Sam Rider
July 3rd, 2008, 08:31 AM
I am gearing up for a less than $100,000 feature and exploring all shooting options. I'd like to see some features shot with the EX1 and other compact HD cameras. Thanks.

Benjamin Eckstein
July 3rd, 2008, 08:39 AM
the amazing film "Once" was shot on a Sony Z1. I saw it on DVD. It doesn't look great. With an EX-1 it would almost definitely look better, but it also shows how it didn't totally matter; the movie and acting, and MUSIC, were great. But if you shot that same film and just swapped the cams, it'd be sharper and look better I am sure.

David Lorente
July 3rd, 2008, 04:05 PM
the amazing film "Once" was shot on a Sony Z1. I saw it on DVD. It doesn't look great. With an EX-1 it would almost definitely look better, but it also shows how it didn't totally matter; the movie and acting, and MUSIC, were great. But if you shot that same film and just swapped the cams, it'd be sharper and look better I am sure.

I had to shoot a dance festival with my EX and a borrowed Z1 a few days ago. I'm now having headaches in post, because the images are soooo different... the Z1 footage looks just like cheap miniDV, the EX is a LOT sharper. The difference in sharpness is noticeable even when downconverting to PAL. And the colors are... well, like comparing VHS to Betacam SP.

Answering to Sam Rider: If you have just $100,000 then I don't think you could find something better than the EX1 to shoot your film.

Rob Collins
July 3rd, 2008, 05:56 PM
Of course, whether it's a feature or a short doesn't matter in terms of image quality, and there are plenty of shorts to show off the EX1, especially with a 35mm adapter (see Bloom, Philip). But in terms of workflow on a low budget feature, depending on what you're shooting, tape might be worth considering. As Benjamin said, the image isn't everything.

Leonard Levy
July 3rd, 2008, 11:14 PM
Is this the same Sam Rider who just shot a feature with Michael Anderson? I hear its coming along great.

If so give me a call or drop me an email. The issue isn't whether you will get good pictures with the EX-1. Its the best bang for the buck low budget wise no question.

If you're working with Michael again, my guess is the real question is shooting style. We talked about this before the previous film. If its a handheld fast and dirty style of shooting, Its more cumbersome than a full sized camera and harder to keep focused. Mickey Freeman recently did a shoot for Rob Nilson that's all improvised and handheld, and he just found it too hard. On the other hand compared to other mini-sized cameras its no worse. The new EX-3 will probably be easier though because it has a better viewfinder.

If you are going in a more controlled style off a tripod most of the time its a great camera.

Of course if your a different Sam Rider, than in the immortal words of Emil Lettelier (AKA Gilda Radner) " Oh well... Never mind."

Lenny Levy (415-730-6938)

Alexander Kubalsky
July 4th, 2008, 02:11 AM
I am gearing up for a less than $100,000 feature and exploring all shooting options. I'd like to see some features shot with the EX1 and other compact HD cameras. Thanks.

I recommend hiring an EX1 shooting some test shots and having it transferred to 35mm film. You acn have a 1 minute test sample done for $350 in the US.

Ronn Kilby
July 4th, 2008, 07:59 AM
25p on (3) EX-1s