Simon Duncan
July 2nd, 2008, 02:10 AM
I have just shot a wedding with my EX1 and have been also given a MiniDV tape from the wedding shot on a Canon HV20.
I have no problems getting footage from the EX1 into Final Cut Pro but I don't have a deck/camera for the Canon HV20.
So I am wondering what peoples suggestions for me to get the footage from the Canon HV20 tape into Final Cut Pro.
George Kroonder
July 2nd, 2008, 02:37 AM
Have you tried using your macs superdrive to load the tape?
That would be foolish, because you'd better get a camera to ingest the MiniDV tape. Or you can ask the camera operator to deliver the footage on DVD in some format you can support.
Craig Seeman
July 2nd, 2008, 08:12 AM
One MIGHT guess the format on the tape from the Canon HV20 is HDV. You'd either need the camera or a deck that can play that tape. As stated before, you could have the camera operator copy the tape to disk and figure out how to handle the mts (HDV MPEG Transport Stream) file.
To avoid what you're going through, my friend got the Canon HF10 which is a flash card based AVCHD camera. While input is not fast, it's great to be "tape free."
Personally I feel HDV is a curse when it comes to "portability" (handing off tape to someone else). Not all HDV decks can play back all forms of HDV.
Matt Davis
July 2nd, 2008, 08:44 AM
what peoples suggestions for me to get the footage from the Canon HV20 tape into Final Cut Pro.
If it's of any solace, I own Z1s, a Sony M-15 deck (does DV, DVCAM and HDV), and a Canon HV20. I ingest my 1080p25 Canon footage on the M-15 deck as normal HDV, or AIC/ProRes.
FCP believes it to be interlaced, and it is - but it's not. I'd switch the timeline so that you're working with progressive all the way through, telling FCP that the HV20 footage, although ingested as interlaced, is really progressive. Control click on the clip and alter its Properties so that the Field Dominance is set to None. You're working on a progressive timeline, yes?
IIRC, the Z1 will play back Canon HV20 HDV tapes too.
You could beg/borrow a Sony A1 perhaps, and use that as a FireWire ingest deck, rather than the expense of a deck or a Z1.