View Full Version : Colors are different after saving pictures in photoshop..

Alex Knappenberger
July 27th, 2003, 03:40 PM
This isn't exactly DV related, but many here are good with photshop and stuff...

Anyway, I've always noticed this, but it's never been that big of a deal to me until now. Whenever I "save for web" in photshop the colors of the outputted jpeg or whatever will be different then what I seen while editing in photshop. Like this web layout I am doing, it's originally supposed to be purpleish, but then when I save it for web, it gets bluer, which is not what I want. With pictures, I've always noticed that they get more warmer also.

Anyone know whats up?

Adrian Douglas
July 27th, 2003, 07:18 PM
It's most likely the result of the .jpeg compression. The .jpeg format is a 'lossy' compression format which means the compressor looks at the pixels and decides what it can 'throw out' without effecting the overall picture too much. How much information is thrown out depends on how much you compression you specify. For web work I find that sometimes .png works better for photos and for graphics I always use .gif.

Rob Lohman
July 30th, 2003, 02:37 PM
I think when you are using the output for web it is using web
safe colors to output the picture in. Try googling on the term
websafe colors and see what that gets you. It might also use
a higher compression for smaller sizes which will change the
look of the picture.

Alex Taylor
July 30th, 2003, 02:46 PM
Your colours shouldn't be all that different when you save for the web. JPEG renders colours better than GIF so there should only be a slight difference.. you don't need to, but you can use nothing but web safe colours (basically colours that be can recreated by any browser using hex codes.. #ffffff, etc) by going into your colour picker in Photoshop and clicking on the box in the bottom left that says 'Use web safe colours' or something to that effect.

Alex Knappenberger
July 30th, 2003, 02:59 PM
Hey guys, thanks, but I fixed it. :D

It was the "color managment" stuff, it was set for "web graphics defualt" and I just turned it off and it fixed it.