View Full Version : making a 8" monitor for EX1 for 600€ - need help for enclosure

Sebastien Thomas
June 27th, 2008, 06:16 PM

I'm actualy building a 8.4" field monitor with HD-SDI (amonst other, as it also have DVI, VGA, s-video, composite and maybe composante).
1024x768 pixels and accepting every formats from the EX1 through HD-SDI.

I'm now in need of a box enclosure for it. As I'm in France, maybe someone will know some french company that work with alumunium or steel to make a case. This is the only part I can't do alone :)
Maybe someone else from outside France knows a company that may do that, or a company selling 8.4" enclosure for LCD.

Yes, my screen will be a competitor of the Carrion, same specs but cheaper. I'll try to take some pictures of the screen tomorrow.
Please, help :)

Frédéric Attal
June 28th, 2008, 01:55 AM
hi ,

I founded these links a few weeks ago on this hv20 user long thread :

here are some links for enclosure :

I did not find a french company doing cases but I was too busy to investigate more .

hope this will help you ...

Sebastien Thomas
June 28th, 2008, 05:13 AM

Many thanks frederic, the thread on the hv20 site is really instructive.
I will try to find needed stuffs in France anyway :)

All other comments/links are welcome :)

Frédéric Attal
June 28th, 2008, 05:46 AM
I just found in my links , this french site with enclosure products

have a good research !