Alex Gutterson
June 27th, 2008, 05:11 PM
I shoot almost exclusively at 1080/24p/VBR. How should I set up my timeline/sequence, and how should I be exporting?
As of now I have set the "easy setup" to the default 1080p/24/VBR setting, with a timeline set to 23.97.
When I go to export quicktime conversion, I can't seem to find any setting that exports anything that looks remotely close to what it is supposed to.
Alex Gutterson
June 28th, 2008, 07:00 AM
Bump --
Note -- I am willing to use any form of export, and my quicktime movies (self contained mind you) wind up playing find, however they are in the same format as my timeline (1080/24p/VBR), therefore useless in terms of communication.
Dean Sensui
June 28th, 2008, 07:43 AM
Grab a clip from a bin and drop it onto a sequence. When FCP asks if you want the sequence to match the clip, say "yes".
When exporting, tell FCP to use "current settings".
That should work. If not, shout for help!
Alex Gutterson
June 29th, 2008, 09:13 AM
Is export a quicktime file that can be replayed in compressor or final-cut very nicely. However when I try to play it on quicktime itself there is color loss, frame-rate glitches, and overall degradation.
It also never asks me if I want for the sequence to match the clip.
Alex Gutterson
June 29th, 2008, 10:00 AM
To be more specific, when I export from FCP and try to watch the video on QT the frame rate becomes horrendous and the first thing that happens is the picture is lightened. In addition, the same problem occurs in Compressor every-time I try to preview an export.
As of now my sequence and footage are both set at the same setting (the default 1080p/24/VBR) that I had mentioned earlier.
Craig Seeman
June 29th, 2008, 10:42 AM
Without knowing your full system specs and software versions it's really hard to offer advice. You might also explain EXACTLY how you are exporting the file step by step. You might also explain your intended results. Some things aren't making sense like using both Quicktime Conversion and Compressor.
WHAT is your goal?
Scott Karlins
June 29th, 2008, 12:18 PM
Try the following:
File / Export / Quicktime Movie...
Set 'Setting' to Current Settings
That will get you a .mov that will play on your system using the same settings as your Timeline in FCP.
Depending on what you want to do with it from there, you will need to open it in Quicktime Player and 'Export' it. Here is what I do to prep a .mp4 movie for Vimeo or ExposureRoom:
In Quicktime Player,
I do File / Export, set 'Export' to Movie for MPEG-4. Go to 'Options', for 'Video Format' select H.264. for a 720p movie, I do 3500 for the Data Rate.
Give that a try and let us know what you get.
Scott K.
Mike Williams
July 1st, 2008, 05:18 PM
Somewhere in the preferences part that is supposed to ask you if you want to change your sequence to match you clip is off. Find it and fix that.
When you go to export via quicktime movie it won't prompt you with a box. Just look closely at what pops up and you will notice the default setting for the video part is "current settings"
There are a few people that like to change things here and others that say leave it at current. I have spent many hours tyring different ones but all really just butcher the original footage :(
I think it is what we have to deal with as more compression is added.
Sorry I'm not that full of technically perfect jargon but I hope we are speaking the same language :)