View Full Version : xdcam default clip name

Marta Martinez
June 26th, 2008, 03:11 PM
We are using one of the earlier versions of the XCAM EX1. When we bring in the clips using xdcam transfer I notice that the clips have a “_01” added to it. Is there any way to get rid of the “_01” with out having to give the clip a new name?

I notice that in the pdf, that comes with xdcam transfer under help (version 2.7.0) they don’t show a “_01” under the logging/clip section. Could it be as simple as updating firmware in the camera?

Any help will be more than appreciated.

Kevin Walsh
June 26th, 2008, 07:17 PM
My clips get a _01 added to them when I try to import them more than once. I believe this is to protect you from overwriting clips with the same name. There is a setting in the XDCAM transfer software to turn this off.

Ola Christoffersson
June 27th, 2008, 06:28 AM
I believe the clips are named this way to make merging of sequenced clips possible. If you make a long recording that spanns two cards the first part will have _1 at the end and the second _2 etc. When they are later merged together using clipbrowser the merged clip does not have anything added to the end.

In short - all short clips end with a _1 and merged clips don't have this ending.

Craig Seeman
June 28th, 2008, 05:44 AM
XDCAM Transfer Preferences Import tab Filename - For subclips add index number. Uncheck to get rid of _1.