Darren Smith
June 26th, 2008, 05:54 AM
I attended my first local wedding expo on the weekend and had a great response, and came away with some very interested potential clients. Anyway I was asked to shoot the fashion parade at the last minute, so without any prep or previous experience shooting fashion parades, this is what I've come up with so far, two fashion parades on the day, from different angles, but they changed the lighting on the afternoon parade.
How does it look to you guys, I've not "polished it" fully yet, what things do I need to change, does it look too disjointed with the different lighting??
I plan to put the designers logo's in when I get them, still waiting on them
Anyway would appreciate your thoughts!
Jim Montgomery
June 26th, 2008, 07:37 AM
Well a little work on the dresses that were white with no detail. Don't know if there is anything left in the footage or if the white is clipped, might want to take a look.
The camera moves became repetitive, 3/4 down the runway, dolly back. I would have liked to have seen somewhere a bang, bang, bang sequence cut to the beat of the music. Good choice by the way.
A little more pace, a little more edge, throw in some dynamics and you have a winner.
Travis Cossel
June 26th, 2008, 01:59 PM
Worked well for me. I didn't actually notice the difference in lighting. I liked how you could see people in the audience pointing and commenting. That lended to the authenticity of it all.
Darren Smith
June 26th, 2008, 02:48 PM
Thanks Jim
The lighting at the end of the runway was blowing out the whites as soon as they hit that part of the stage, so difficult to recover from that, i tried adjusting on the fly but it descended the crowd into darkness and was very noticeable, perhaps what i should have done was zoom in at same time to eliminate the crowd and may have been better.
I know exactly what you mean about repetitive shots, was not sure what to do, I was on tripod so could not get to much movement and would have been tricky on the fly as the seats were very close to the stage and stage was quite low. I will have another look and as you suggested add a bit of a bang bang in time with the music, maybe the closing shots???
Thanks for your feedback Jim
Peter Szilveszter
June 26th, 2008, 08:42 PM
Considering this is not your polished version its looking great. I would recommend maybe adding more energy since the track is upbeat, using some photo zoom style to use a wipe here and there. Also try to maybe change the order of the shots or using some speed ramping to give it a bit more variety of the repeating 2 shots. With the blown out bit if you could maybe mask and track the model and maybe recover some detail if any left. I wouldnt worry about the lighting change since its a different angle anyways.
I'd like to see the final version once you have the logos and polished.
Bill Busby
June 27th, 2008, 01:08 AM
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